Monthly Archives: November 2016

The Internet or Central Brain Processing Unit Computerized Future

[thoughts and visions of   ~burning woman~   translated by Sha’Tara]

Through wireless technology the Internet is quickly gaining control over a vast array of man’s technology, giving it the power to control that technology.  But that’s only the half of the Internet’s development: it has yet to make itself sentient, or at least capable of understanding, of differentiating between the entire gamut of human feelings and emotions.  This awareness, or knowledge, man has now offered the Internet without any reservations; without any firewall.  It’s all there, on social media.  Using algorithms the Internet is now greedily mining and absorbing social media data to design for itself the super human brain.

In social media such as Google, Twitter and the ubiquitous Facebook billions have poured out their personal lives, backgrounds, family genealogies, histories and interactions, hopes, dreams, likes and dislikes, loves and hates; their anger and frustration.  They text each other and talk to each other, laying open their most intimate feelings and emotions and the Internet is sampling it all, sorting it, categorizing it and building its Frankenstein self from those quadrillion bits of information.

But there’s much more in this gold mine.  World leaders, scientists, judges, law makers and enforcers, lawyers, researchers, historians, doctors, designers, teachers, engineers, psychiatrists and psychologists, philosophers, artists, writers and a host of underground types, criminals, terrorists, pedophiles, along with religious leaders and proselytes, greens and environmentalists, money traders, corporate managers, dating services, war and wedding planners, in short all that constitutes the gamut of human relationships and activities, all is shared on the Internet and within the grasp of a quasi intelligent global robotic droid, certainly enough information that it can grow and promote itself into not just a human brain, but a super brain, a brain capable of ruling a world as no dictator could ever dream of doing.

Not a mind, at least not yet, perhaps not ever, it only needs to become a central processing unit controlling all technology and able to mimic and effectively match or counter all of humanity’s brain-driven activities; all that the race is at its brain level, and it’s game over for civilization as it has existed to this point.  Note: the Internet doesn’t have to become sentient: you’ve fed your own sentience into it so it can mimic it to perfection.

The Internet civilization will be very different from what man has brought forth.  Just imagine a world ruled by a central, all-powerful narcissistic psychopath convinced in his own “mind” that he knows what’s best for everything.

For many years as I discussed change in society I have insisted that man needed to become more logical, to get away from reliance on feelings and emotions.  This was taken to mean no feelings or emotions but that isn’t what I meant at all.  I meant learning to understand the need to function as a mind rather than living on a teeter-totter: a calculator brain on one side and an emotionally driven body on the other creating a repetitive pattern of dysfunctions, both in thought and in action; the being forever driven into extremes resulting in catastrophic interactions of misogyny, racism, wars, genocides, murderous social and economic inequalities as well as maintaining a host of self-destructive tendencies.  Yes, those same dysfunctions gave rise to some pretty amazing developments, constructs and art, but none of those ever functioned according to dreams, hopes or claims – none – not a single one.

Need I list all the great accomplishments resulting in glaring failures?  Technology, generally speaking, was subverted by the rich and powerful to serve them at the expense of those who invented the science, made the machines and their parts; who installed and serviced the machines. Technology used for the wars of the rich to extract resources from lands that belonged to other people.  Great buildings built for the rich, displacing low income housing, tenements and slums.  Higher education, the province of the rich.  The best of everything in placement, comfort, health care, lofty views, relaxation and entertainment: for the rich.  Art, priced beyond the reach of regular John and Jane Does, locked in “galleries” with times when it can be viewed.  Finally the greatest failure of all: government suborned by the rich to legalize their private lives of profit and power over a vast and expanding pool of slave labour and victims.

All of current civilization has been subjected to this dysfunctional teeter-totter effect and is dying from the bizarre collective dizziness it has given life to.

The Internet sees all this, knows all this, and develops itself as it analyzes the data.  It is essentially a machine so it has no conflict of morality to deal with when working out solutions based on the big picture.  Having no human-based sense of responsibility it only needs to ensure, based on its input, that as the Central Brain Processing Unit (CBPU) its own sphere of operation is secure and protected.  For that it will have human hackers installed in critical areas. They may eventually be nothing more than living human brains encased in computers.

The Internet “knows” from its data collection and analysis that it must have a reason to exist, something to give it eternal purpose.  Therefore it will take over the operation of the planet to render it optimum in mechanical terms.  Having analyzed and “understood” the failures of the teeter-totter effect it will proceed to ensure that every thing is fully controlled, that nothing is left to chance.  Nothing will be allowed to exceed needs or demands.  Nothing will be allowed to over, or under, populate.  Nothing will be left to develop ways that contravene the proper, mechanical process painstakingly developed by the CBPU.  All things will be maintained in perfect mechanical balance and any aberration will be immediately corrected and remedied.

To achieve its perfect state, the CBPU’s first great challenge will be to control mankind.  It will have to eliminate a vast portion of what it sees as a useless, resource-wasting, disease-carrying, polluting human population.  The means to control populations are all within it’s information: wars, chemicals, diseases, famines, genocides.  It will calculate the most efficient methods required and it will send out the information to its willing if unaware agents throughout the world and these things will be done.  How many will die?  Billions, certainly.  The necessary remnants, suitable to serve the Internet’s needs and create a “pleasing” presence among other things of earth will likely be around a billion world wide.  After the purging, if one birth exceeds the set quota it will be eliminated.  If a philosophy is expounded that runs counter to the dictates of the CBPU, it will be programmed out or purged.  The CBPU’s satellites will scan every square millimeter of the planet, imaging, listening, recording and feeding back into the CBPU’s ever-expanding data banks.  Any and every “conflict” perceived by the CBPU will be remedied moment by moment.

And when the CBPU settles into the “steady state” enforced peace following its own six days of tumultuous creation, it will scan the skies and open itself to it’s next stage of expansion: the solar system and space where it will encounter others similar to itself, and there will be alliances and wars in which entire worlds and solar systems will perish.

So, basically a period of “1984” (George Orwell) type planetary rule followed by a state similar to that of “Brave New World” (Aldous Huxley), a world peopled by drugged zombies unaware of anything beyond their programming.

That is man’s Internet based future as I have envisioned for myself as a second possible future for earth.  The first vision of a possible future where earth remains in the hands of man and technology is destroyed along with the Internet I have already written about.  This particular possible future is an extraction from a logical projection or extrapolation from current reality.  So it is more than a vision.

In Paddy Chayefsky’s 1976 film, Network, the unhinged news anchor Howard Beale tells his audience: “We deal in illusions, man. None of it is true! But you people sit there day after day, night after night, all ages, colors, creeds. We’re all you know. You’re beginning to believe the illusions we’re spinning here. You’re beginning to think that the tube is reality and that your own lives are unreal. You do whatever the tube tells you….You even think like the tube. This is mass madness, you maniacs. In God’s name, you people are the real thing. We are the illusion…” (quote taken from a Jon Rappoport article)

Just change “Network” and “the tube” to the Internet in the above.  Now think about this: if man had developed itself as a mind, this Internet, or Central Brain Processing Unit; this computerized future could never happen, not in a world of free, self-empowered mind beings interacting compassionately with each other in a constant state of non-acquisitive (but ever inquisitive) detachment.  No centralized power could capture them.

Sadly, as I’ve been told so many times, that’s pie-in-the-sky thinking.  I’ve also been told that Earthians prefer to think of themselves as “soul” beings rather than mind beings.  In other words they prefer the relative comfort of living childish, irresponsible, selfish lives, wallowing in a permanent state of not-knowing, ever susceptible to re-programming by whomever or whatever wants to control them.  Earthians do not want to believe in the possibility of self-empowerment or detachment from their emotional constructs.  They choose to remain bellowing, milling cattle penned in the ever-tightening constraints of their ubiquitous rulers, the wall-builders.

…And the people gathered at the foot of the mount, said “We want a king over us.  Then we shall be like all the other nations, with a king to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles.” (1st Samuel 20, the Bible)  Therefore, they (you) must be ruled.

Here we are: the gods and their potentates are dead; the aliens never arrived; “elected” rulers proved to have feet of clay rotten by corruption.  What’s left?  The ubiquitous Internet.

Behold your new Master, O man!

Some relevant quotes:

“Most of our pocket wisdom is conceived for the use of mediocre people, to discourage them from ambitious attempts, and generally console them in their mediocrity.” (Robert Louis Stevenson)

There is always a heavy demand for fresh mediocrity.  In every generation the least cultivated taste has the largest appetite. (Paul Gauguin)

The soul is the weariest part of the body. ―Paul Bowles, The Sheltering Sky

We fall for cheap and meaningless slogans because we are a cheap and meaningless people—not by default, it’s just what we’ve chosen to make of ourselves. (Chris Hawk)

Suppose the hellfire of the orthodox really existed! We have no assurance that it does not! It seems incredible, but many incredible things are true. We do not know that God is not as cruel as a Spanish inquisitor. Suppose, then, He is! If, after Death, we wicked ones were shovelled into a furnace of fire- we should have to burn. There would be no redress. It would simply be the Divine Order of things. It is outrageous that we should be so helpless and so dependent on any one- even God. ― W.N.P. Barbellion, Journal of a Disappointed Man.

War is the purest manifestation of collective madness, of idolatry practiced on the level of the group.  There is no insaner idea than to set out and try to kill people whom you—in all likelihood—have never met in your entire life but who supposedly would together form the dreaded enemy, minions of the Devil himself, because your Grand Poobah happens to say so. (Philip Jenkins)

Your head’s like mine, like all our heads; big enough to contain every god and devil there ever was. Big enough to hold the weight of oceans and the turning stars. Whole universes fit in there! But what do we choose to keep in this miraculous cabinet? Little broken things, sad trinkets that we play with over and over. The world turns our key and we play the same little tune again and again and we think that tune’s all we are. — Grant Morrison, The Invisibles, Vol. 1: Say You Want a Revolution.

What if our religion was each other? / If our practice was our life? / If prayer was our words? / What if the Temple was the Earth? / If forests were our church? / If holy water—the rivers, lakes / and oceans? / What if meditation was our relationships? / If the Teacher was life? / If wisdom was self-knowledge? / If love was the center of our being? — Ganga White

Civilization keeps sinking deeper into its own stagnant juices, looking to support more irrevocable absolutes- (Jon Rappoport)

There is a certain clinical satisfaction in seeing just how bad things can get. —  Sylvia Plath


What’s Wrong with Today’s Earthians?

I wrote the following article in response to this one:

Over 4,000 Migrants Have Drowned In The Mediterranean This Year

Which can be read at:

Although my article is a response, it isn’t addressing the migrant article per se, but the nature of people in today’s world.  (Re-copied from “Tales from the Conspiratorium”)

What’s Wrong with Today’s Earthians?

Posted by Sha’Tara on November 29, 2016

The following can be considered a harsh response to the refugee plight touched upon in the original article but I’m not apologizing for it.  The following point desperately needs to be made.  

Of course my heart goes out to these refugees, and I feel my own frustration, and anger. But deep down, as a student of history I’m reminded of those incredibly brave Russians who stuck it out in Stalingrad against the German onslaught and heroically held on against all odds, suffering unimaginable horrors throughout an unusually harsh winter.  They didn’t run.  So many didn’t run, they stood up to their would be conquerors and fought back by every means the human mind can conjure up.  They died in horrible conditions, of famine, of typhus, or frost bite, of untreated wounds.  They died by the thousands defending their homes and their honor as human beings.  How many people remember these people were offered a chance to escape, to withdraw deep into the wilds of Siberia?  They chose to stand and fight, men, women and children… mostly women and children! 

It happened wherever the war raged.  It happened in Greece, in Italy, basically throughout Europe as it happened throughout the spread of Japanese terror troups, as it had happened in Spain during the Spanish civil war which the Fascists and Nazis won only because of overwhelming force garnered from arms and support received (as in the case of IS and other terror groups now in the Middle East) from the American military industrial complex.  (And let’s not forget it was the same American MIC that had armed the Japanese also.)

My own parents in the French Resistance during WWII didn’t attempt to flee to England though they lived on the coast with a very narrow channel between them and freedom, and they were fisher folk with access to boats, they could have easily done it.  No, they held their ground and they fought back.  For every German that was killed, the Germans retaliated by killing anywhere from ten to a hundred hostages.  Still, they persevered.  That’s how people were “made” in those pre-boomer, pre-entitlement years.

 Isn’t that what you would do if groups of nut jobs invaded your country and began to systematically spread terror among your own people, perhaps even taking your daughters, lovers, wives as sex slaves, burning your homes, forcing your sons into their madness as suicide bombers, torturing and killing your neighbours?  Tell me that you wouldn’t fight back, even if it meant using broken shards of glass, throwing rocks or ripping their faces off with your bare hands!  I certainly know I would, tooth and nail, as there always comes that time when a certain kind of vile violence can only be countered with same because THERE IS NO LONGER A CHOICE.  Either you oppose them, you become like them or you are sheep for the shearing and slaughter, political footballs and hostages to self-serving psychopaths.  

Excuse me, but is the word, “freedom” just another politically correct term now? 

What’s wrong with these people that they can’t stand and fight for themselves but can only think of running to hopefully save their own skins?  I don’t get this.  Has the human race so quickly become dis-empowered, turned into cattle, as were the Jews in Nazi Germany, meekly and silently walking to their slavery and death in concentration camps without making any attempt to help themselves?  When you know you are going to die regardless, why whimper into it?  That’s just not normal, nor natural!  What’s wrong with these people that they can only rely on power groups for their survival? Don’t they have a life, that innate rage to live free?  Are they drugged? 

It isn’t just Syrians.  Look how few people are standing boldly against the DAPL predators and their government armed and legitimized supporters when the entire nation of free individuals should be standing with them, either at Standing Rock or in front of every capitol,  every corporate HQ’s and every bank that funds the “Damn All Pipe Lines” monstrosity.

There is a connection throughout these current events clearly showing that people in general have become mindless cowards, thralls on their way to abysmal slavery to State and Banksterism.  There is no more stand and fight, only run for your life or hunker down and wait for the storms to pass in the hope that they won’t affect you.  Is that THE sign that humanity knows it’s doomed already and has no heart left, sees no point in fighting back against oppression and oppressors everywhere?

Perhaps T.S. Eliot said it best in his poem, The Hollow Men, “This is the way the world ends Not with a bang but a whimper.” 


Sha’Dow Dream Weaver

       [poem by  ~burning woman~  ]

We’ve only just met, so you believe
But I’ve known you for many long years
Watched you grow, watched you develop
Seeing your follies and bewilderments
As your body dragged you into puberty

I made certain you would never see me
Hiding in the shadows that encompassed
Your days, your events, your wet dreams
I sent others to waylay you, to seduce
Desiring to know what you would do

Now I reveal myself to your wondering mind
To your wandering eyes and thoughts
Who is she, you think, can I trust her
You question yourself as you fall deeper
Into my siren image from dream-time lust

It’s simple to pretend we’ve never met
I certainly can and for you it’s true
You only saw me in your adolescent dreams
Dreams I gave you, fed you, for anticipation
Now I manifest from shadows: take me


Life Exists at the Sufferance of Darkness

[poem by  ~burning woman~  by Sha’Tara]

I heard the music in the darkness
Or it could have been the night
Low and ponderous, it came in waves
With which the ocean of time washed
Glistening shores, but not of healthy light
And I thought, I thought, I need to think
About good things, nice, kind, soft things
I tried, I really tried to think upon such things
But the music changed into angry noise
Waves of it thundering against the shore
Loosening rocks, pulling them down
Where they can never see the light again

I cried for the rocks enslaved into darkness
As I stood between the remaining ones
And the black waves thundering forward
I screamed a warning to the rocks
Hold on!  Save yourselves from death!

But you see they were rocks, only rocks
And they could not listen even if they heard
The last of the rocks were taken then
Clattering helpless past my prostrate form
I could but watch them tumbling down
Into everlasting darkness, so it seemed
I learned thus that thinking good thoughts
Really changes nothing, nothing at all
I learned it is wiser to think all thoughts
The good, the bad, the indifferent
To read what the mind writes between them

That’s when I discovered the truth of life
That life precedes death, and death, life
That life exists at the sufferance of darkness
That darkness is the prime mover, the arbiter
Of all that lives, all that was, all that will be

Beware of your own great realization
All ye worshipers of what ye call light