8 thoughts on “Maturity

  1. George F.

    I’m no longer wondering what life is all about. Been thinking about you lately, so your post here is no surprise..in my mind, I have conjured you, LOL! Will click and read entire post.


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Hi George… sorry took so long to reply but (ahhh, excuses!) I’m having a great deal of trouble typing with R-hand so mostly reading. Reason is that second stroke took out a lot more than it let on. Anyway thanks for your comment and “ever forward” eh?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. George F.

        2nd stroke? So sorry to hear about that. I’ve had…mine…I feel you. I fear not death. I fear being trapped inside the fleshy case, aware, immobile. Yeah, that’s what it was like. Don’t want it repeated. Stopped many unhealthy habits including alcohol, tobacco, many foods…life is a bit boring, but it looks as if I’ve decided to live. I’ve found other ways to keep myself amused since dropping all the above excitement. I’m getting used to it. People perceive me different but it means I need new friends with a fresh start. I hope you recover, and I fully understand the Right hand thing.


  2. Phil Huston

    Wow. Worse than me. Three thousand words of standard issue short sentence of assumptive all encompassing trite-isms to get this – My point is you must have the technical ability to express what you have locked inside yourself then you must get out of your own way.
    Well duh. That’s what I’ve been saying since how long, George? Make the best contribution you can. The animal kingdom is full of whack jobs, never assume we’re smarter than any of them. I put us in about the middle.


      1. Phil Huston

        Nope. Saw your presence. Referring to how many times I’ve mentioned the best we can do is the best we can do and pthen get out of our own way. You fall into the can I get a witness category.

        Liked by 1 person

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