Category Archives: COVID-19 information

Blogging and Other Things

First of all let me tell you, I’m quite fed up with blogging. That’s why I’ve backed off and just trailed on the end those few blogs I’ve continued to enjoy. That said, on with the thing I did want to say. Tonight I chose the movie, “Made in Dagenham” to both, watch and study. Watch because it’s well made and study because it has a very serious message. That message is “justice” and it is clearly spelled out in “equal pay for equal work.”

Equal pay for equal work had meant a lot for us unionized workers over the years and I started my union career in the early seventies so I know the score. When Rita O’Grady made her plea for support she mentioned the fact that it was a principle that was at stake – and the principle was that women were to be paid half what men were paid BECAUSE THEY WERE WOMEN. It had little to do with the cost but with the principle that no matter what men were paid, a women with the same qualification would ALWAYS be paid less – done deal, case close, accepted by both employers and union reps. A woman would never go out on strike.

Without going any deeper in this now old story (old?) I want to point out to the modern “we don’t need unions now” fools that they have allowed their unions to be gutted; allowed themselves to be singled out for reprimands, downsizing or layoffs with little or no help from the other side of the elitist crowd, the side that takes the kickbacks and the payoffs. Now as should be obvious to all workers they’ve fallen into the big mess that keeps on putting more people out of work and out on the streets day by day. Isn’t it wonderful how governments all over are bending over backward to help their puppet masters attack their very constituents, making these feel as if they are to blame; as if they are alone and much worse, as if “their” governments were still the same people who wrote and signed the constitutions, thus making those who meekly rebel the ones to blame for their own problems.

OK, now you get the point. But there is more. Now we’ve entered into a new elitist game. Everybody below a certain income must now be made to feel the pinch, not just the “coloreds” and the dirt poor. So now you get the reason for the “Covid-19” flop-up. They needed a vast majority of believers, not just the recognizable few. They needed everybody and what better way than through a global pandemic? All they needed was the means to make it seem real. Well, with the Military, AI algorithms, the necessary number of celebrities, ‘health’ authorities, bought-and-paid for on demand doctors, a also bought and paid for main stream media and of course the necessary silicon operatives, their social medias and their philanthropies and the game was afoot. It wasn’t a sure thing, nothing ever is in this world but to wait another 15 or 20 years was not acceptable: some of them were getting older and not as much time left to enjoy the reset so they had to go for it and they’ve been pushing it for all it’s worth. Now the Gates (of hell) foundation is getting a more solid grip on world health and who knows when Gate’s claim that “with better health care and vaccines we can REDUCE the world population…” will actually come true?

So that’s that. Some people will understand the need to fight for the principle of justice. Some will care enough for children and loved ones that they will rebel. I’m willing to bet however for the greatest lowest common denominator, that lowest of life, the believer, the one who needs a God, a Science, a ‘that which knows’ and for whom nothing matters more than faith, not even the life of one’s children if such were in danger from unscrupulous Big Pharma vaccine developers. All the faith type has to do is declare that anyone suggesting there was any mishandling of vaccines was a conspiracy freak and problem solved.

Yes, that COVID-19 believer is the one going to end the nightmare. Not by ending it but by putting all of her/his faith in “IT”; in government “dick heads and cement heads” as one interesting blogger calls them (he’s right, of course); in philanthropic “saints” (could they be anything but?) and their vaccines and Big Pharma with all those taxpayers funded vaccines so ready to shove one (for now, there’ll be more later) up wherever as long as it pays.

Now you may not consider yourself one of those “faith” types just mentioned but I guarantee that if you’ve bought into the COVID-19 mess, you qualify. Better get ready for your jab, you deserve it. You owe it to yourself and no one should deprive you of it.

To end this on a less painful note for those of us who obviously don’t buy the propaganda there is this to explain. I’ve been studying modern mankind and I’ve come to an interesting observation. Up until the middle of the 20th C mankind had been on an upward climb, I’d say pretty much world wide. There was a hunger to grow and to know. There was a need to seek justice even when illegal wars were being fought, particularly the Korean and Vietnam wars. Despite the mockeries made by Hollywood, these wars were stopped. Not killed, no one in the military or government ever gets rid of a perfectly good war, they just keep it on the back burner until such time… but it was at such times that I noticed a marked change in the rank and file. Something turned, but much more insidious than late 19C social Darwinism. This was the work of AI; of “science” so-called. This was when everything literally went to hell, from education (which no longer functioned much beyond babysitting) all the way through the entire social infrastructure. Professional ‘men’ were no longer professional men. Governments were nothing more that hyenas with their mouths open for their puppet minders. Then main stream media was totally subverted to the elitist dream. What was left but the few who would never bow? Man was being systematically downgraded and for what reason I’ll leave to you to figure out – think the ‘reset.’

It isn’t “Which way you goin’ Billy” it’s “Which way we all goin’ Now”

By now anyone with an ounce of discernment has had the opportunity to weigh the evidence supporting or disproving and disputing the entire web of deceit called COVID-19.

OK, so I don’t make any bones about it. I’ve always known it was a massive, not even well-played, hoax upon the whole world for massive gains by the perps. And the game isn’t up by any means. The talking heads are still talking up a storm. Brain-dead elected officials are desperate to start more “social distancing”, mask wearing and their favourite: lock downs and lockups. Why? The implementation of the New World Order. Or whatever other title “they” choose to give it.

They made one movie in recent times that symbolizes quite well how the virus “pandemic” was planned and implemented. There are few heroes in this movie as most are either the implementers, the facilitators (psychological torturers) or the passive acquiescing often turning into “The Torturers’ Assistants.”

The movie: The Truman Show. If you don’t “get it” well it goes this way: they (the creators of the plandemic) turned the entire planet into the biggest movie/TV studio ever. Why? For the same reason Christof created the Truman show: psychopathic meglomania for total control; power over; ratings; money. Their modus operandi: fear.

Truman stopped believing in the lies and overcoming his innate fears, eventually escaped out of Christof’s manipulative torture chamber to be reunited with his loved one. I’m a dissenter and I count myself a Truman. You?

Here’s a movie you might find interesting as the world rides the cusp between “COVID-19 Panic #1” and the sequel, “COVID-19 Panic #2”

COVID-19 – What is that finally all about?

[thoughts from   ~burning woman~   by Sha’Tara]

COVID-19, the Day the World Ended… or was it civilization as we’d come to know it… or was it a natural, totally unexpected plague that threatened to annihilate mankind? One of the four horses of the Apocalypse, Death, Famine, War or Conquest, take your pick? Maybe none of the above descriptions or criteria? Maybe simply another convenient false flag?

I would like this to be a synopsis (hopefully short) of what I’ve learned so far about COVID-19. Wow, and good luck with that, I’m thinking. What haven’t I learned and what’s worth remembering now that we’re fully engaged into a “fanfreluche” war against a chimera. Explanation for those not of French extraction: Fanfreluche is a living doll who retells fairy tales and legends to the viewers. When the story goes a way that displeases her, she physically enters the story to “fix” the ending. I hope you can see the connection!

So, what I know, so far. The virus, real, imagined or partially real, no one will ever know now because the waters in the wake of its very loud passage were so muddied nothing can be seen, not even by the very best forensic pathologist, not even the non-existent bodies blamed on its passage can be found. I won’t say no one died a bit sooner than otherwise from the effects of this “manipulated” (medical experts’ consensus) corona virus “extract” but it is also true that the CDC has “advised” medical examiners to label any death due to complications of various pre-existent conditions as COVID deaths.

Reason for that? Think two things: profits for emptied hospitals being paid big bucks for declaring C-19 deaths and governments eager to enter into a new age of totalitarianism, putting an end to those annoying “democracies” with their constitutions demanding that leaders be accountable to the peons. That was an intolerable affront to ruling elites. Well, no more of that, it’s over. The “divine right of kings” has been re-established. “Wear a mask-step, sanitize your hands-step, six-foot rule-step, nitril gloves-step, report your neighbours-step, no large gatherings-step… step-step-step. Halt! Papiere bitte! Vakzine? Nein? You’re under arrest! Turn around, hands behind back or I will shoot you like the dog that you are.”

What else did I learn? Well, during the whole C-19 brouhaha, the problems of climate change miraculously disappeared. Wow! Some even went so far as to claim that suddenly the planet’s physical, if not mental, condition was doing much better. According to hyped up disinformation, the air and even the waters, were so much cleaner. Why? Well because for a few days people drove maybe 20% less and airliners stayed on the ground. I didn’t buy the cleaner air claims but then I’m not exactly an easy sell for propaganda. I like to annoy claimants by stating, “Don’t tell me, show me.” I didn’t see anything. Chilliwack, where this is coming from, is bottled up at the east end of the Fraser Valley and the mountains (see my blog’s header picture!) act as a giant collector of city and port pollution from the coast, from Seattle, north to Vancouver, B.C. Wonder why our pollution levels didn’t seem to “lighten up”? But the good news is, we no longer have to worry about climate change. Fanfreluche is re-writing that part of the tale.

I also learned that during the “pandemic” the problem of a crashing economy due to gross malfeasance and corruption in all highest places of government, military, banking and corporate prevarication was conveniently laid on the shoulders of little Fanfreluche. Up to her now to go in there and change the way the tale is to be re-told! The perpetrators can line up at the trough again, like they did in 2008 and rack up some more billions; buy up more stock options and cut off the small investors out of any hope for some profit on their investments. The “roaring twenties” repeated… in spades! Now comes massive unemployment; loss of homes and security: all COVID’s fault, naturally. Oh, and let’s not forget the “incremental” profits by humongous corporations as tens of thousands of small businesses are neatly excised from the competition field. Does it get better than that?

What else? I came face-to-face with the worst corruption of all: the politicizing of what was presumably a serious medical situation; the blatant corruption of those in charge of developing a real solution to the virus. Instead of handling the virus like any other in previous years the entire planet was suddenly inveigled into acquiescing to outright stupid, inane, pointless and in most cases, deleterious rules ostensibly meant to “contain” the spread of the virus. I learned that those who at first jumped on the Bill Gates agenda to declare a world-wide “vaxable” emergency as millions were sure to drop dead in the streets, in elevators, on beaches, at parties, in swimming pools, in theaters, at board meetings, in planes, trains and automobiles, when caught in fragrante delicto recanted and began to say that the rules were worst than the disease they had been meant to contain.

Think “Dr.” Fauci (whom I lovingly like to call Herr Doktor Faucki Mengele) and his gross lies, not to mention his corrupt behaviour in moving his deadly virus research from Fort Detrick to… yes, Wuhan(!) after Obama shut him down in the States as his “research” was deemed too dangerous. So he took taxpayers’ money and gave it to China. Smooth that, very smooth. About a month and a half ago, his royal lowness, King Donald “promised” to look into Faucki’s corruption: I think we’re in for a very long wait on that one. Corruption investigating corruption? Not unless there’s profit in it for Trump, which based on the level of believers in the COVID divinity, there isn’t. We already know how the “political left” feels about King Donald ordering people back to work.  

We should be so much more trusting of our leaders, wherever we place them, shouldn’t we! When they say no, we know they mean yes and mean well. When they say yes, we know they mean no and mean well. When they tweet endlessly we know to bleat endlessly to complete the “Song of the Zombies.” It will be our very last performance, done alone, in a dark room, under quarantine and one kilometre/mile social distancing. No one will hear. 

We simply must do better

I’ve been seriously wondering lately what I, personally, am doing blogging on WordPress. (I indulge in no other so-called social media.) I’ve been reading many “dissenting” opinions on the recent/current, possibly permanent “pandemic” that the end result of all that information is a tub full of mush even pigs would turn away from, frowning in disgust.
I realize of course that was the whole point. This is 1984 revisited in which the entire planet is programmed/brainwashed to hold two contrary thoughts about an event or a situation while the group think creates the necessary condition of unawareness that such is happening.
As one blog article says, “Be Afraid” … “There’s Nothing to be Afraid of”
Not being exactly brain dead, I did form an opinion very quickly on the purpose of COVID 19 media hype and mandated social distancing, obedience to authority self quarantining, and the mandatory shut down of “non-essential” mostly small businesses. That’s old territory that as a declared non-believer I was guaranteed to lose. I accept that and have moved on to a more relaxed position of observation: what are the believers going to do with their new conquered territory?
Well, they’re going to feel vindicated: they won because they were right. Having won however isn’t enough. Now they will need to see more vindication. How that plays out, we’ll see. More quarantines? Social distancing as a way of life? No more “anti-social” small businesses? More snitching by newly self-appointed COVID-19 informers? Definitely more tracking and a massive boo$t for the billionaire vaxxers. More instances of kids taken away from “non-compliant” parents.
The biggest loser in this madness was science. One aspect of the Great Pandemic Production was to turn any associated science into a New Religion. The believers queued up on their six-foot marks and followed the literal guide lines – ready to bow and pray to the virus god they made.
Very quickly COVID 19 became a god to be propitiated. The medical priesthood with their media talking heads eagerly surged to the fore to guide the faithful into proper performance of the Mass, complete with symbology of face hiding, hand washing, distancing. These were followed by self-congratulatory messages ostensibly for “front line heroes” who should be the very first to realize there was nothing “heroic” about doing their job; who should know they were massively conned into becoming on-call actors in a movie from which they would never see any substantial benefits.
“Look hon, they gave me a gold star today!”
“That’s nice. Did you get any extra pay? The cost of food has gone up drastically…”
“No, sorry. They said they spent all the extra money on boxes of gold and silver stars…”
My personal conclusions of this inconclusive matter: people are ignorant, even those with supposed advanced education. They haven’t got a clue so they have to believe what the propagandists tell them because they have no way to decide for themselves what is true and what is false. No problem though: substitute faith for facts and watch the cards slip out of the sleeves to guarantee a win.
Like the sheep browsing in the meadow who hear a thunder clap, they look up. But all is well: the shepherd is standing on the hill, under the big lone tree.
Would it occur to the sheep that perhaps standing on a hill under a lone tree during a thunderstorm may not be the wisest thing for a shepherd to do? Would it occur to the sheep to ignore the shepherd and seek shelter on their own?
No. Not until “something” triggers a stampede. Then it’s all good because everybody is running in the same direction and since everybody is doing it, then it’s the right thing to do. [see Rudyard Kipling quote below]
I wonder. People still claim to be intelligent, as a species. Is this display of massive hysteria and confusion amidst blatant corruption, cowardliness and barely disguised motives of leadership greed exceeding all known bounds, good enough for the Earthian company?
I hesitate to use the objective pronoun “we” but … We simply must do better.
Quote: “We are great. We are free. We are wonderful. We are the most wonderful people in all the jungle! We all say so, and so it must be true.” – monkey chant – Kaa’s Hunting, Rudyard Kipling

Earth is a Forced Labour and Death Camp

[thoughts from    ~burning woman~  ]

(A year ago I posted this short essay and got some smart responses. I have done some editing to it and thought, why not run it again? Not to grow stats but to see if what I’ve added to it makes sense in view of the current global psychological war we’ve been forced into.)

It may well be that prior to the advent of capitalism and prior to the establishment of the patriarchy that formed a global civilization, planet earth was as good a place as any on which to exist.  Note that I am not saying “live on” or “survive on” but exist, essentially a neutral term.

To live means to have a purpose. 

To survive means to cling to life in the hope that it will have proven a worthwhile endeavour.

Only problem with that was, there was no long run and purpose seldom manifested in any meaningful sense.  Those who gave themselves purpose without serving the Matrix, that is, the patriarchy and it’s exploitative, brutal methods soon found themselves hounded, hunted down, and when captured, “crucified” for attempting to bring about a change of methods to life on earth, that is, to man’s type of life, if it can be called that.

Based on my observation, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that man’s earth as defined by his capitalistic patriarchy is in essence nothing more nor less than a forced labour and death camp. 

Do I really need to elaborate on that observation and conclusion or is this enough of a reminder that all of the greatest manifestations of social evil extant in this civilization can be laid at the feet of its “camp kommandants” who give themselves the titles of CEO’s, presidents, kings, queens, judges, professors emeritus, generals, policemen,emirs, investment bankers, popes, priests and preachers… anyone who by some sort of decree directly or indirectly holds the power of life and death over a subservient multitude.

Any member of the untitled multitude who decides to treat the elites in the same manner as it treats the multitude is immediately declared enemy of the people and put on a most wanted list to be eliminated.  The rulers of the forced labour and death camp can kill any number of ‘the masses’ with impunity but the same does not apply in reverse.

The masses, trapped in this web of deceit and death learned long ago that to challenge and perhaps even dethrone the elitist apparatus was a very painful and bloody process that in the end only replaced one set of “kommandants” with another and surprise, surprise, that new set arose from the very forces that set out to upset and destroy the original status quo. In other words, there is no way out of the camp except by dying.

And even then, that is not the end of it…

Recently I have concluded that the manufactured and wildly, chaotically, promoted (through both the pro and the con) “pandemic” is nothing less then a global *Stanley Milgram experiment.  The sad part in all of this is that most people are “sort of” aware they’re being played in a massive elitist con game but they do not have the wherewithal to reason it properly, hence to counter the programming. It’s like watching “V for Vendetta” and “The Matrix” without the courageous and hopeful ending. The sheep are not looking up!

A growing percentage of people are “hoping” for an end to the COVID-19 experiment but they are not willing to “chance it” by putting down the pickaxe/gun, i.e., the obedience programming, and walking away.  As in any war, the propaganda rules and the game is usually so set up that the propagandist can prove they are/were right. Imagine what those conscientious objectors put up with during WWII, on both sides of the “conflict.” Who could argue that Hitler was evil incarnate?

Report and Obey… Do Not Think! Report and Obey… Do Not Think!  Report and Obey… Do Not Think!   

*The Milgram experiment(s) on obedience to authority figures was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. They measured the willingness of study participants, men from a diverse range of occupations with varying levels of education, to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience. Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment, in which they had to administer electric shocks to a “learner.” These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real.[2]

The experiment found, unexpectedly, that a very high proportion of subjects would fully obey the instructions, albeit reluctantly. Milgram first described his research in a 1963 article in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology[1]