Earth is a Forced Labour and Death Camp

[thoughts from    ~burning woman~  ]

(A year ago I posted this short essay and got some smart responses. I have done some editing to it and thought, why not run it again? Not to grow stats but to see if what I’ve added to it makes sense in view of the current global psychological war we’ve been forced into.)

It may well be that prior to the advent of capitalism and prior to the establishment of the patriarchy that formed a global civilization, planet earth was as good a place as any on which to exist.  Note that I am not saying “live on” or “survive on” but exist, essentially a neutral term.

To live means to have a purpose. 

To survive means to cling to life in the hope that it will have proven a worthwhile endeavour.

Only problem with that was, there was no long run and purpose seldom manifested in any meaningful sense.  Those who gave themselves purpose without serving the Matrix, that is, the patriarchy and it’s exploitative, brutal methods soon found themselves hounded, hunted down, and when captured, “crucified” for attempting to bring about a change of methods to life on earth, that is, to man’s type of life, if it can be called that.

Based on my observation, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that man’s earth as defined by his capitalistic patriarchy is in essence nothing more nor less than a forced labour and death camp. 

Do I really need to elaborate on that observation and conclusion or is this enough of a reminder that all of the greatest manifestations of social evil extant in this civilization can be laid at the feet of its “camp kommandants” who give themselves the titles of CEO’s, presidents, kings, queens, judges, professors emeritus, generals, policemen,emirs, investment bankers, popes, priests and preachers… anyone who by some sort of decree directly or indirectly holds the power of life and death over a subservient multitude.

Any member of the untitled multitude who decides to treat the elites in the same manner as it treats the multitude is immediately declared enemy of the people and put on a most wanted list to be eliminated.  The rulers of the forced labour and death camp can kill any number of ‘the masses’ with impunity but the same does not apply in reverse.

The masses, trapped in this web of deceit and death learned long ago that to challenge and perhaps even dethrone the elitist apparatus was a very painful and bloody process that in the end only replaced one set of “kommandants” with another and surprise, surprise, that new set arose from the very forces that set out to upset and destroy the original status quo. In other words, there is no way out of the camp except by dying.

And even then, that is not the end of it…

Recently I have concluded that the manufactured and wildly, chaotically, promoted (through both the pro and the con) “pandemic” is nothing less then a global *Stanley Milgram experiment.  The sad part in all of this is that most people are “sort of” aware they’re being played in a massive elitist con game but they do not have the wherewithal to reason it properly, hence to counter the programming. It’s like watching “V for Vendetta” and “The Matrix” without the courageous and hopeful ending. The sheep are not looking up!

A growing percentage of people are “hoping” for an end to the COVID-19 experiment but they are not willing to “chance it” by putting down the pickaxe/gun, i.e., the obedience programming, and walking away.  As in any war, the propaganda rules and the game is usually so set up that the propagandist can prove they are/were right. Imagine what those conscientious objectors put up with during WWII, on both sides of the “conflict.” Who could argue that Hitler was evil incarnate?

Report and Obey… Do Not Think! Report and Obey… Do Not Think!  Report and Obey… Do Not Think!   

*The Milgram experiment(s) on obedience to authority figures was a series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram. They measured the willingness of study participants, men from a diverse range of occupations with varying levels of education, to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts conflicting with their personal conscience. Participants were led to believe that they were assisting an unrelated experiment, in which they had to administer electric shocks to a “learner.” These fake electric shocks gradually increased to levels that would have been fatal had they been real.[2]

The experiment found, unexpectedly, that a very high proportion of subjects would fully obey the instructions, albeit reluctantly. Milgram first described his research in a 1963 article in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology[1]



82 thoughts on “Earth is a Forced Labour and Death Camp

  1. Notes To Ponder

    What you describe in the Milgram experiment is hardly surprising, 1960s era psychological experiments are nothing to write home about, truth being it amounts to “no shit Sherlock” psych-babble. Why and how is this relevant to a global pandemic? Let me begin by saying you’ve overlooked human nature as it pertains to sudden adversity. Far too many people are incapable of separating unprecedented circumstance from political/economic conspiracy. Liken it to the first stage of grief – denial. It’s easier to blame than accept or reason. You’re talking apples (pandemic reality) and oranges (corporate political/economic meddling) – both fruit, but not related. I draw a cautionary line at escalating suggestion COVID-19 is a tactic instigated for shady secretive purpose. Great non-partisan, non corporate special interest and well reasoned scientific minds have long warned of global pandemic possibility.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. rawgod

    Viruses are apolitical, non-racist, gender-neutral, neither theist nor atheist, non-economic, and non-anything else you can think of that divides people in different groups. You keep on talking, but you have yet to give one good reason why anyone would do this, or what anyone stands to gain by this.
    Covid-19 is one of the first pandemics where we are finding science-based ways to fight a pandemic, so far managing to keep it under some appearance of control. All you seem to be doing is spreading unfounded rumours, and I have no idea why, or what you hope to accomplish.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      I could spend days responding – logically – to these “negative” responses so I’ll cherry pick. Quote: “you’ve overlooked human nature as it pertains to sudden adversity.” Whether you see it or not, or even remember THERE WAS NO SUDDEN ADVERSITY UNTIL “THEY” TOLD YOU THERE WAS. When victims of the “pandemic” were dropping like flies on TV, did they drop like flies around you? Dead bodies on the streets, in cars, people falling dead on buses… wagons going along with cries of “Bring out your dead!”? When nothing but talking heads screams of death and chaotic information comes down from your utterly corrupt officialdom, shouldn’t common sense come forth to take over? Know what I’ve noticed: people are tired of the charade and returning to their normal routines. A month ago no one would ride in my van- didn’t have the mandated 6 ft. spread between me and passenger. Now they jump in, make a joke about the space and we go to work. I got my usual Spring flu during this “pandemic” and as usual it lasted 24 hrs, my immune system got jolted back to work and that was that. I get the flu regularly twice a year, around Christmas and around Easter. What makes me so dangerous is, I don’t play the medical/drug scene. I am also generally anti vaccine unless a vaccine is PROVEN effective to combat a particular disease. If stats were not fudged in favour of the likes of Big Pharma and Ghoulish Vaxxer Gates you and the rest would know by now that modern untested vaccines kill more people than they save.
      Back to the point: no sudden adversity was in effect until the propaganda machinery turned it on full force and that was the point of my observation and conclusions on the similarities between the Milgram experiment and the pandemic. What it boils down to is the need programmed into Earthians to obey authority, no matter how corrupt or mentally sick that authority shows itself to be in real life. The key word is “OBEY.” That obedience is solidly anchored in fear: abject, slavish fear of the bogey man’s teeth. You know how hard it is to drive through a red light in the middle of the night when there’s no one else around? Common sense says the red light is an idiot robot and should only be obeyed when it makes sense to do so. Your authorities are not just idiot robots, they are predators always in search of more esoteric methods to take your life’s energy. They got a mega boost with this pandemic fabrication – the repercussions will never end and your billionaires will find themselves with a lot more money, power and control. That’s what this thing is all about.
      As for “the flu” gaining ground among Earthianity, that’s been discussed to death. Our aging population is kept alive artificially. Our air, water and food are increasingly laced with deadly chemicals (but who talks about that as a pandemic, huh?) And finally, the number of people alive on this world is unsustainable so what’s nature supposed to do?


    2. Sha'Tara Post author

      All I can say here rawgod is either read what I wrote or don’t comment OK? If you are not going to address the topic but go off on “conspiracy theories” and “rumours” I don’t have time to engage that. I posted no conspiracy theory, nor did I attempt to spread any rumour, certainly nothing like what’s running wild out there now. I made a fair comparison with an earlier experiment that demonstrated how easy it is to get people to go against their own conscience even, to obey authority. The actual damage being done to society by the reaction to the pandemic will far exceed anything a new strain of flu could have done. Common sense anybody, or is that also on the proscribed list of activities during to “ever-lasting” pandemic? Welcome to COVID-1984.


      1. rawgod

        Ok, after this I shall comment no more, but that makes me sad. I thought we had become at least allies in trying to better the world, if not friends. You have jumped in a rabbit hole as deep as Crater Lake, and because I did not follow you I no longer have value to you. No problem, but I am not going to disappear without have said my piece. Don’t read it if you don’t want to, that is your choice. I still choose to write it.
        You say your words contain so conspiracy theories, so therefore you believe everything you say. People are not dropping around me, you are right. I don’t know anyone who has contracted C19, but I only know maybe a few 10s of thousands of people, and I am no longer in contact with most of those. But when “people started to drop like flies,” the virus was still contained in China. I don’t know anyone in China. But what did China gain by announcing the epidemic in Wuhan? They were being good world citizens, telling the world about it, not like the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918, where the States kept it a secret as long as they could. They were at war, and they didn’t want their enemies to know their soldiers were dropping like flies. That pandemic killed more people worldwide than the war. Was that being a good world citizen? I think not.
        You mention “sudden adversity” to me, but that was not my talking point. Still, when the virus was spreading, and by the time the media picked it up, it was like sudden adversity. Thousands of people had died already, and tens of thousands were getting sick. The only way the announcement could be made was as sudden adversity. It was unknown to us before that.
        Have I got your attention yet? Probably not, you know its all lies. Inflated lies, even. It doesn’t exist because it’s not happening around you. Yet. That you know of.
        Sayonara, S’T. Fare thee well.


  3. franklparker

    I have to join with Notes and Raw on this. No surprise, I’m sure. I worry for you when you regress to your conspiracy theory modus operandi. A sign of paranoia? I’d have to ask my son, the mental health worker. I believe there is no such thing as a motiveless crime. In the absence of an obvious motive, some folks believe there is a conspiracy directed specifically at them and/or people like them. A form of narcisism to add to the paranoia – the two usually do go together as we observe in the case of the current occupant of the White House.
    Stay well, stay safe, Sha.


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Thanks for commenting, Frank. Yes, I know, I’m just supposed to be the nice quiet girl next door and not get my pretty head in a knot over things I could never possibly understand… sorry but it’s hard to keep the sarcasm out of this. Shaking my head here: what “conspiracy”? I made a comparison with the current “lock down” authoritarian order (still lacking any credible fact to sustain it) and an old experiment that exposed the need people have to obey some kind of authority once they’ve accepted that authority. Yeah, sure I’m paranoid… I’m a paranoid camera!


  4. Hyperion

    Some points well made about a particular aspect of pandemic, but I’ve learned to look deeper and not let a particular descriptive cause me to bay to my fellow hounds and then dig furiously in the hole. Alice found wonderland that same way. If I remember correctly, that fantastical story was a political satire but we generally ignored that message to dwell on the strange characters. Certainly, the governments and many large corporations and the elitists exacerbated the means to fight the pandemic and then found they didn’t have the wherewithal to fight it because of poor decisions made repeatedly in the last few decades. As with every conspiracy, there is the thread of truth but the one thing that always gets me in our times, is a conspiracy has to always assume that the perpetrator of the conspiracy was intelligent enough to pull it off and even sustain it. It’s the intelligence that always seems to be missing. What I generally see is the Keystone Cops join the Three Stooges and go after The Little Rascals. We, the people, find this wildly entertaining right up until the point where it all lands in our individual laps. Then it ain’t funny no more. On the other hand, Bill Gates, the Demi-satan that spread the digital virus host of computing across the entire world did step up and privately fund some very promising research and solutions to help detect and treat the current pathogen of choice. He did this because our government is paralyzed by every thought and action a political move to wrestle power from the incumbent fumblers so they can implement their own idiocy. In the mean time middle management took research money and assets away from forward leaning programs positioned to fight a pandemic and gave that money to pet projects like walls, and shovels for city poop scoopers in SF, San Diego, and New York. First they had to establish a billion dollar government bureaucracy to oversee the million dollar poop scooping problem that apparently was unsuccessful. Now we have poop all over the sidewalks, a pandemic, and the labor camps are temporarily closed as the pandemic has made inroads into the death camp business as well. We are concerned about this competition, no doubt. I have seen huge numbers of people selflessly contribute their labor and coffers to the fight in spite of the organized failure to produce a leader that can make the right decisions at the right time. Basically, in spite of the greedy power mongers, the people stepped up. Not everyone, and not enough of everyone, but a noticeable number and isn’t that what we have discussed regularly? The people are getting it. The slumber and numbness is fading. The connections are being made, the peer pressure is on. Is it enough and how long will it last? I don’t know Sha’Tara. I guess I’ll have to wait and see what happens in the aftermath of our first challenge that we all faced together. Maybe there was an intelligence behind this and we needed it to focus. You are Thought provoking as always, Sha’Tara.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Hyperion

        Please spread it far and wide. I think it’s a fairly apt description of the current befuddlement syndrome up in the Oblong Office.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Hey Hype… is there not specific intelligence behind all the great and successful conspiracies we know of through history and which this COVID-19 is going to be a part of the parade? What prompted the Gulf of Tonkin conspiracy? The need by American war materiel, Napalm manufacturers and military midget minds to engage North Vietnam on a serious basis. Millions died, including helpless Cambodians under another false flag authorized by Kissinger. Do you really think there was no plan behind these events? It was all about the money that could be taken from believing Americans and their dying little businesses to feed the multi-nationals. Do you really think there is no intelligent and seriously evil agenda behind Gates’ push to vax the entire planet for any and every ill? He will make billions more… even when his untested vaccines kill innocents all over the world, as they already have and that is well documented – well, except in those nations where the leaders still hold an element of common sense and keep his needles out. No, it is not as you say, “the Keystone Cops join the Three Stooges and go after The Little Rascals.” If you’d been in Saddam’s army when the US illegally invaded Iraq and eventually killed over a million (both combatants and non-combatants) and including those who put their hands up in surrender – the lucky ones died, the others were tortured… remember? Well, would you still use that same line? All a great big joke right? Yeah, I was wounded then tortured by the Americans… what a hoot! I think not. Evil exists on this world but the most dangerous is what is done through official channels and is vouched for by the media. The most dangerous is what is done in the guise of doing “good” such as the current “medical totalitarian system” that has stepped in, pushing aside elected representatives and constitutions to instill a system of repression based on fear and the innate selfishness of the average Earthian to sell it’s freedom, it’s democracy, basically anything if it believes it can keep itself alive a bit longer. How easy it is to manipulate such essentially cowardly people. Speaking of the current pandemic, if those in control hadn’t quickly used a wypepo nation (Italy) to spread the virus or some imitation thereof, or to grossly inflate basically all viral deaths as caused by C-19… If there had been no danger that this virus was going to attack Europe or North America but ravage the Middle East, Africa, China, India, South America, always guaranteed that it would not cross into exceptional wypepo worlds, then you would not have had any closures, no lock down, no snarling talking heads giving hourly death counts on TV and all your entertainment centers would be offering business as usual. Yes, even if millions were dying outside the wypepo enclaves, the only interest shown here would be, how can we make money from this?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hyperion

        Sha’Tara! We were going to use Spinners instead of Earthians. I think spinner is a more complete descriptive name. I believe right up to and including Klintoon as the people’s choice, the world began this strange march toward chaotic self aggrandizement and personal enrichment without much consideration for others all the way down to the most uninformed non intellectuals. En masse, so to speak. So my assessment is for modern current affairs. I promise you, I have sat in the meetings. Some of the best and brightest minds in the world have worked for me and with me. We know how this usually all goes wrong and try to prevent it. The inside of governments are complex organisms and only the dictatorships like North Korea have ultimate power in the hands of one person, everyone else is scrapping to get their piece of the pie. In the US government a handful of individuals can drive a particular objective, but it takes tens of thousands of diverse people with their own political agenda to make anything happen. This is what I mean. For a conspiracy to exist one has to basically take some facts, spin them into a correlation and then assess responsibility to an entity like Monsanto, Xerox, Boeing, or the government. These theories always have to assume that the tens of thousands of people can keep quiet their entire lives and execute their part of the plan with synchronicity and excellence. I’m saying currently and 30 years past, that hasn’t happened. That doesn’t mean that Pol Pot did not murder millions, that Stalin didn’t murder millions, that Hitler wasn’t Satan personified, or George Washington didn’t enrich himself due to his popularity with the people. I would not stand against any such knowledge that we know to be intrinsic truth. There we can lay the blame and we don’t need to make up anything. There is always a thread of truth to most conspiracy theories but what happens is people will take those theories and mold them to suit their needs. The anti-whatever’s will simply lie and now a lowly being can claim they were slighted by another being and have that person fired, put on trial, murdered with only a wild accusation. Seems we have gone back to trying to implement the draconian measures of East Germany under the guise of communism and the grand Soviet Union. My point is, with our new digital world we can make up the wildest lies and pretend they are truths. But where is the fact check, the common sense, the analysis of facts and data collections, the investigation by independent parties? Nancy Pelosi caused an extreme ruckus whenever a Republican was accused of sexual misconduct, but she intends to tell victims of Biden’s sexual misconduct to shut the f**k up. And progressives the world over don’t care that Biden has a long history of sexual misconduct nor was there real investigation into Biden’s enrichment schemes in the Ukraine. But Nancy tried to impeach Trumpet Boy for trying to call attention to Crooked Biden. Ah, how could there be any real intellectual bipartisan cooperation in conspiracies to control the world and get rich fast. Look how Hillary was given a pass on every crooked deal she made with her nonprofit organization that made millions in profits selling people down the river and selling nuclear materials to questionable business fronts for some very bad people. But all the things were suddenly leaked because all the people involved weren’t comfortable with the crooked dealings and suddenly we see in the trials and investigation how deep it goes and how key actors are not cohesive at all. The truth comes out, but in say, the 911 inside job conspiracy, nothing but crickets for 19 years. Let us not mention that the library of congress has gazillions of facts that are declassified after a specific time period and anyone can go online and search the massive database all the way back to 1790. The truth is out there and someone will always spill the beans, but When you see a conspiracy that can never be solved, the guilt cannot be assessed, the players are never known, that is a theory that will live forever until nobody that cared is still alive. The Spanish believed in the fountain of youth and thought they found it in Florida. You can visit the tourist attraction and even drink the water. But the truth is, some 500 years later we have discovered the fountain of youth. It was real. It is in each cell’s RNA.. We know how to change each and every person on the planet where they can live from 300 to 500 years or more. This can be done today. But, science, governments, and religions have said that is forbidden and so we don’t do it. This doesn’t help anyone who dies of disease or accident. People think it is unethical to extend life but they argue you dare not take your life of your own choosing, or end the life of a fetus because life is precious unless convenient to end another’s chances for one’s own ulterior motive. How strange we are. How do we spend our lives chasing fantasy when reality is more interesting and free for the taking? Does not every conspiracy have its supporters who plan to use their story to sell an agenda for their own purpose? Youtube conspiracy theorists make money when you watch their videos and click the like button and they make more money if you subscribe. Because YouTube makes money from advertising paid by the commercial world. It’s all about the money and there are no altruistic or magnanimous soothsayers.


      2. Sha'Tara Post author

        No…no…no! Let’s get this right, it’s critical! Spinner is for the universe so a “universarian” can be called a Spinner, but an Earthian is someone who lives on earth, see? Ok, thanks guys, we got that cleared up. Now to the agenda on the table. Yeah… OK, yeah… let’s see, that there… hum… and that here… OK, is the overhead turned on? Thanks, now we can proceed. What’s that noise?
        Fire alarm, sir.
        Oh, thank God, let’s get out of here… by the way was that alarm a conspiracy to end the meeting? Don’t answer that.

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      3. Hyperion

        I was confused again. It happens a lot these days. I got it now. And, you nailed it. These are true conspiracies that I participate in as a fellow perpetrator. We always collaborate on ways to avoid staff call with our higher ups. They think it’s necessary to find fault with things we are doing that they have no Earthian idea what it is because they are bean counters and we are dreamers, visionaries, scientifically endowed rascals and to be scorned by bean counters is an insult too damaging to tolerate. So, we conspire to subvert staff call every week. That is one conspiracy where all participants do keep the oath of silence.


      4. Sha'Tara Post author

        So there, you see, given the proper motivation it is possible to get people to keep the oath of silence. They used to cut peoples’ tongues off but they probably don’t do that too regularly anymore. I don’t know, I haven’t been to any board meetings since I retire with my golden parachute… well maybe not golden…

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Hyperion

        Oh yessss! You got your precious metal parachute from them. They must have really liked you because they like to fire people right before they can retire so the BOD can spend the pension money on one of their buddies or a family member. I think in small groups, real conspiracies are hatched and carried out with great secrecy and a convenient fall guy/ gal.


      6. Sha'Tara Post author

        They couldn’t do that to us peons: we had a union – the Teamsters – pretty tough bunch actually. The Co. asked me to sign up for another 5 year term but they weren’t going to boost my pension for that time so, like, duh… are you kidding me? Sayonara cheapskates. Besides 42.5 years was long enough and I really felt like I’d reached my own level of incompetence regarding the computerized world. The McDonald’s ABS (Automated Beverage Systems) did it for me. That thing was so badly designed an Orangutan would have turned red in the face if he’d had to admit he’d designed it. So I retired at 65 in 2011 and went out on my own with my Jimmy van and trailer, doing odd jobs, volunteer work, giving free labour wherever needed, in other words, having the time of my life these last 9 years. Now though, especially since the recent global events I’m more than ready to retire from Earth. It’s like, beam me up Scotty, there’s no intelligent life down here. I mean, really! It’s beyond belief, all this faith in a chimera. It’s got me becoming an atheist to keep from joining the worshiping throngs at the altars to Asclepius!

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      7. Hyperion

        That is quite a story Sha’Tara. Your experience with the automated beverage machine is one I have grown to hate as well. I don’t indulge in fast food unless my only other choice is gnawing hunger. Those few episodes with the infernal filthy machine is enough to keep me away. Although, I enjoy a good parody in my commentary, just my own sick sense of humor intruding on serious minds. I will admit that my personal experiences have helped me arrive at a sense of detachment from all of the endless wrongness that exists. I actually do whatever I want to do and I give to Charon his fee for my transport to Elysium and back. I don’t have an attachment to material things and so don’t own anything but what I want to own in order to do what I want to do. The rest is like going for a swim in a large body of water. There is no accounting for all of the living matter I share my swim with and certainly in that refreshing water is all sorts of denizens that can end me, but I emerge refreshed although tired from the exertion. Life is that way to me. I don’t try to clean all organic matter that threatens me, I live among it and don’t draw any attention to myself unnecessarily. I’m content. Maybe I am the most evil sheeplistic mouth breather, but I can’t give up my contentment after having struggled so hard for it. What would your life look like if you were completely content? I truly would like to know. I think it would enlighten me to a view, I should know. Thank you for your voice. One must waken occasionally to take in the winds of change, to see the impending storm.


      8. Sha'Tara Post author

        Quote: “What would your life look like if you were completely content? I truly would like to know. I think it would enlighten me to a view, I should know.”
        For me “contentment” is for those Holstein cows an Pacific Milk cans back when (from contented cows, yeah right!). Contentment is not the goal of an awakened questing mind, in fact contentment is another little death. If you are content it means you aren’t learning anymore. You’ve decided your mind-sponge is saturated and instead of squeezing it out to take in more, you decide the accumulated debris is all you need to keep you happy to the end. You then relive the little experiences you find in there, like some septuagenarian convinced he will find the love of his life by sniffing around the 20 and 30 year old female crowd. Or reliving the good ol’ times of partying in pot, beer and sex, or… watching TV and “Netflixing”. If we would think of ourselves as somehow awakened or even spiritual (not sure what that could actually mean in actuality for actual people!) then we would be die-hard questers. We chase ideas, we “seek brave new thoughts and new concepts and boldly go where no mind has gone before.” We eschew safety, comforts and conveniences knowing such are the truly ephemeral illusions. To the quester nothing is final. When I wrote off systemic religion I gravitated to New Age ideas and explored those themes in depth. Naturally, I found them as empty as religion because they were just another formulation of religion. Then there was atheism but I’d already been there and found that probably the most empty of all promises to satisfaction. Then and finally I found myself flying alone in the middle of the night, no map, no GPS, nothing except some vague goal to discover a new world for myself. That was what became my chosen purpose. Now the light slowly came on but it was shining in every possible direction now. No direction was any better or worse than another. I could just pick, choose, stop, move this way, that way, it didn’t matter. If anything did matter it was how my attitude to it all matched my chosen purpose. And that is how, and why, I constantly get in trouble with Earthians. They don’t need purpose, they just need direction, mantras, MEME’s, slogans, and the certainty that they are following the majority or most popular belief. For example, right now, it’s social distancing. That this can lead to imposing atrocities upon helpless individuals caught in the morass is of no concern. There is a group-think belief cleanliness in the idea of social distancing. It’s like a scalpel. Trust the surgeon to wield it properly (of course, he’s a surgeon) become a firm believer that that is the answer to holding back the terrible virus. The self empowered quester has no use for that sort of sheeple submission to authority because “authority” is always linear, always totalitarian.

        Liked by 1 person

      9. Hyperion

        A magnificent answer Sha’Tara! I hadn’t thought of contentment in that way but I see the potential little death now. I do believe it was a questing mind and my ability to listen without judging that fueled a life of incredible scope. In time I realized nobody cared what I learned for myself or what I interpreted. Their own Samsara was all that mattered, and I’d be a jackass unworthy of life if I didn’t follow suit with their vision. Well, my drum beats it’s own rhythm and that does create angry responses and intolerance. My mind, body, and spirit can’t be undone from its journey, but it can continue to quest, to learn, to grow, and evolve. We can do these things however we choose and you have offered your choice as a guide to others.


      10. Sha'Tara Post author

        Aw, gowsh… I dunno what to say… First, I’d like to thank my mom for giving me birth, then my dad for showing up once in a while, then my bothers and spinsters, then my teachin’ peoples n’ the mailman and Freddie my next door neighbour friend whom I talked up into climbing up the side of the silo then took away his ladder and…

        Liked by 1 person

      11. Hyperion

        All worthy accomplishments which I know you are proud of, especially the old ladder up the silo trick. That was a hoot, no doubt.

        Liked by 1 person

      12. Sha'Tara Post author

        Making it through that birth canal, wow, that was a scary, daring adventure. Yup, really proud of that one particularly. I tried to change my mind half way but when I looked back I saw that horrible tsunami coming at me and it was… Geronimo!

        Liked by 1 person

      13. Hyperion

        What an adventure that must have been. Out of embarrassment for presenting to the world in less than proper attire, I conveniently suppressed that day in memory. I do have very distinct memories of the first day home in my crib with a mobile of birds overhead and all I could do was think of how much I could use a cold ale, to ease my thirst.


  5. Phil Huston

    From recorded history, creative minds have pondered the work “ethic.” Many people I knew in my youth grew up, as I refused to do, processed like cans of tuna rolling off the assembly line to do “work.” I am unpopular and have to keep it shut around those people because the concept of doing business to be doing business is untenable. I don’t care what you own or what you have or how clever you had to be screw so many many people get it. I am the grasshopper, not the ant. I’d do it all over again. If you don’t give a damn, aren’t helping someone, why bother?


    1. Phil Huston

      Other points are well taken above. Cut the conspiracy crap, it’s futilitarian, serves no good end, and clouds the sky with chicken little nonsense. Even if it’s true. Do what you do best and leave the Dr. Oz today’samazing conspiracy nonsense vitamin to the doomsayers. Spread a little light, stop letting other people be angry for you.


      1. rawgod

        Not being angry, Phil, just wondering and questioning. I know S’T to be a very spuritual person, yet these words are anti-spirit. This boggles my spirit.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Phil Huston

        Not you, ST. She’s a cosmic radio station in her own right and I say she needs to park the gloom and doom and spread the light she has to offer instead of reblogging roadblocks. Unfortunately we know the planet is a mess, enough. I like to see her bright side.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. George F.

        Spreading Doom and Gloom and ultimate truth is very serious business, which I take very, very seriously. Why spread the light, when the light is all fantasy and make believe?

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Sha'Tara Post author

        You hit the nail on the head George. There’s a season for everything, and to spout “light” in the midst of growing darkness unless one has the means to actually light up the darkness, is no better than the propaganda of officialdom. I’m not Trump. I don’t spend my nights tweeting lies to keep a gullible public sated to the gills.

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Sha'Tara Post author

        Hey, hey, hey Phil!

        Joni Mitchell – Shine
        Oh let your little light shine
        Let your little light shine
        Shine on Vegas and Wall Street
        Place your bets
        Shine on the fishermen
        With nothing in.

        Liked by 2 people

      6. Phil Huston

        Put out the stars and we’re losing. Darkness is where we started, so we must be winning. Misinformation and factionalization are the currencies of the morally corrupt, no different than greenback dollars in Vegas and Wall Street. Set an agenda and you’re no better than what you condemn. The cosmic radio is always on, pick a frequency. Beats the hell outta fear mongering bullshit artists.


    2. Sha'Tara Post author

      Sorry, been a while since you posted this. So you made a personal choice to follow an ideal, and that’s fine. I chose the opposite: I understood the work ethic as a personal discipline. I didn’t do it to screw others or to get rich but it did allow me never to have to live at “your” expense, and to have some extra to share with others worse off than me. I would never feel guilty about that, nor about collecting a pension because of it today. I still manage to have more money than I need and I still manage to find people who can use a helping hand – actually that’s not so difficult. I was never of those who think, me first and to hell with the rest. When I tried thinking that way it felt really cheap.


      1. Phil Huston

        Gosh, so doing what you love to do and helping creative people do a better job of what they do is cheap and criminal and being a worker bee is now a religious experience regardless of the carbon footprint of the people writing you a check and what aspartame does to the human body? Wow. I’d genuflect in your direction but my knees would hate me


      2. Sha'Tara Post author

        Let’s just say it was an executive decision. I could have gone in a few directions with what I had but the Coke gig seemed the most logical for one reason in particular: no one, and I mean no one, was ever forced, either at gun point or by fear of contracting some deadly disease, to consume the product made available to the “public” so if the “public” got negative reactions from imbibing said product, then I suppose the very same public only has itself to blame. The same goes for smoking or any other drug, like Kentucky Fried Chicken. It’s all a matter of self discipline: personal health or instant self gratification? Make my day, say it’s just an excuse.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Phil Huston

        Even alien princesses can’t have it both ways. You managed to justify inherent evil, from chemical poisoning to delivering product for a company that 95% of their packaging is clogging landfills. But that’s okay, you didn’t build it, you were simply an agent of delivery. While there’s a post up now about waving “truth” in the face of bad behavior? That’s okay. There’s somebody standing on a corner with a pocketful of slow death without a billion dollar logo on the package saying the same thing you are. Not your fault they want it and it pays the bills. Good luck with that.


  6. jim-

    This is at odds with what we think is the physical world, and what it actually is. But there is really nothing here. No matter, no substance, only thoughts and a drama with no physical matter at all. 99.9999% empty space and Concentrate forms of energy. Is it possible this reality you see us merely part of the play?


    1. rawgod

      The thing is, Jim, this empty space is somehow still able to contain rivers of blood that, if we were 99.9999% empty space, should be overrunning its vessicular course. Our eyes see solid, even knowing the space is there. Our fingers touch solids and liquids. We can even feel the air as it blows past us, and that we know is mostly empty space already, is still detectable without microscopes of whatever strength.
      It’s a matter of relativity, we see physicality because we are physicality.
      And we do not know how to control the spaces between our electrons, or our quantum particles. I wonder if we could slow our electrons down from the probably faster than light speed at which they revolve around their nuclei, would that let faster electrons pass through our spaces unaware? (Just thinking through my ass, lol.)
      I am not about to try to counter your claims, or explain the physical universe, I don’t know enough to speak intelligently about this. But my mind is free to wonder.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. jim-

        Discussion is good. Apparently this experience is not what you think it is. Somehow you’ve created all this yourself, yet are still attached to the illusion that you are your body.


      2. rawgod

        My spirit is in my body at present, though not attached. My mind is haphazardly attached, but the bond elastic, and can stretch to infinity. My ego, well, what can I say, cannot live without my body, so that is a very strong attachment indeed. I guess the question becomes, how strong is the attachment between the ego and the mind and the spirit?
        But probably this is all spiritualbabble to you, even some psychobabble. I do understand what you are saying about the scarcity of matter in the universe, but I am not able to see the physical universe without seeing the spiritual. Just one of my peculiarities.


      3. jim-

        The point really is there is no difference between the two. You currently represent a concentration of form, but are essentially the same stuff. Matter meets all the requirements of spirit. Unidentifiable in its isolated forms.


      4. rawgod

        Here I have to part ways with you. I do not know what spirit is made of, but I doubt it has atoms or molecules. There is an old science fiction phrase, “star stuff,” that I just remembered. Maybe spirit is made of “spirit stuff.”
        But really, that is not important. It is the learning to live that is important.


      5. jim-

        Your missing it rawgod. Atoms and molecules don’t have anything to identify either. We haven’t parted ways, just using different terms.


      6. Sha'Tara Post author

        I think you’re going through the “nothingness phase” Jim. If there really is nothing here, then how come I read your comment, or did I write that up to? Oh, no, no, no! Not another conspiracy theory!
        Chicken Little after he came out of the psych ward: “It’s OK, the sky isn’t falling on my head because I have no head. No one’s at risk of anything, no one is hurt, sick, dying or even getting old; no one’s falling in love, no one’s having a good time because there is no one here. Bwaaaaack… bwaaaaack… bwaaaaaaack!”
        The problem with “science” taken totally out of context. I knew a guy once who talked like that. We’d had dinner at a friend’s house which happened to lie close the a railway track. I challenged this “only energy” guy to stand in front of the on-coming train and prove his theory. Fortunately for me, he declined, claiming I didn’t understand. The longer I live the less I understand… people! Maybe that’s because I’m making it all up: there’s no one here except me and 8 billion imaginary others.

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      7. jim-

        Im not going through a nothingness phase at all. If you can show to me there is a physical difference between “spirit” and matter, which certainly by all definitive examination cannot be identified any more than the same stuff. It certainly feels and looks real in its concentrate, but the building blocks are nothing physical, if at all. Earth is a forced labor camp of invisible entities made of nothing but ideas and perceptions, which makes this all possible to begin with. “Spirit” taking form (for lack of a better term)

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Sha'Tara Post author

        Oh yes I fully grok that aspect of things. My point has always been, how does that change anything whatsoever to the reality of Earth, whether pleasurable or miserable. Or to misquote Shakespeare, would a digitized rose be the same as the one on my rosebush out back? Or I feel deeply for a suffering child: can I digitize the child to eliminate its pain and then return it to a “normal” physical presence minus the pain? In other words Jim, of what value to me in this moment that my entire physical perception is made up of bits (or what we used to call atoms)? I’ve known that since I was in grade school but when has that info been of any practical use to me in my life-long quest to make this world a living world instead of some barely survivable hell most inhabitants never find any security, comfort, happiness or love in within their short lives?


      9. jim-

        Putting this all in perspective wouldn’t be to help them, but having a well rounded understanding of these processes would help you. It interests me that most who see behind the curtain just laugh. They really don’t go out and try to save the world because it doesn’t need saving. It’s always changing, fluid experience regardless of time and place there is always something new. Just curious, have you ever known another person that has had your same experience with the teachers?

        Liked by 1 person

      10. Sha'Tara Post author

        “They really don’t go out and try to save the world because it doesn’t need saving.”
        “Just curious, have you ever known another person that has had your same experience with the teachers?”
        The “world” per se doesn’t need saving nor can any individual attempt such a thing successfully. There are many stories of our ancient gods who tried to save the world; save mankind or evolve mankind to the level of the gods at least and they mostly failed – certainly did on the long run. But those who laugh are the true sociopaths and I’ve always known them. They have no concept of empathy and their rock-hard religions and callous beliefs are the foundations of those modern religions you enjoy beating up on – quite rightfully. If you were sitting by the side of a street in “Anywhere City” with your sick pregnant wife and two starving children begging for help, would you join those who pass by when they laugh at you for not seeing your reality: that neither you nor those you love and are watching die, are real? Don’t think I haven’t come across that line of reasoning many times in my life. It’s a great way to eschew responsibility. No wonder so many new agey gurus can live it up as millionaires. Like the other billionaires, they’ve rewritten the rules to suit their greed.
        Other people have had similar experiences to mine from what I’ve read about such interventions but they certainly weren’t with the people who taught me some life basics. Some I’ve met briefly but don’t pay it much attention since they have to be responsible for their own paths and choices. I’ve had people say to me they’ve had a similar awakening. I usually respond with a “huh huh…” or a nod. If they try to make a link I change the subject. If they insist then they get the, “Don’t tell me, show me” response. The people of earth believe in the magic of group think, of having similar ideas; of getting together to accomplish things despite the clear evidence that it is those who walk essentially alone who accomplish “stuff” even if most of that is evil or at best useless. Your billionaires aren’t groupies – they have lots of slaves, servants and yes-men around them but these have no connection to the power base: that is individual. Self empowerment equals personal motivation, for good or ill.
        As a by-the-way, that’s why democracy, socialism, communism and any such pretend grouping of numbers to create some sort of great society can never work Jim. The current set-up is totalitarian top-down patriarchal hegemonic control of masses with an endless bottom-up movement of stolen energy to feed the lusts of those at the top of the echelon of power. That is why you have less and less gods until you’re stuck with just one big mean daddy who demands everything you’ve got. And oh yes, that big mean daddy does exist.

        Liked by 1 person

      11. jim-

        Well don’t be too critical. This is a just a discussion about a certain way point of view that developed against my will. It has some interesting truth, but the reason I asked is it seems to be at odds with certain other experiences. Like I mentioned to you before, maybe this is yours for your purpose only. Really, how many people get pulled aside for that particular experience? Btw, I do feed the bums and buy gas and give out what I can. I don’t drive by and look the other way. I do smile, but that doesn’t lessen the grief of their situation, so I help. The misses is really good about that too.


      12. Sha'Tara Post author

        Well don’t be too critical. This is a just a discussion about a certain way point of view that developed against my will. Like I mentioned to you before, maybe this is yours for your purpose only. Really, how many people get pulled aside for that particular experience? Btw, I do feed the bums and buy gas and give out what I can. I don’t drive by and look the other way. I do smile, but that doesn’t lessen the grief of their situation, so I help. The misses is really good about that too.

        I wasn’t being critical (or defensive), just trying to write something that wouldn’t be totally misunderstood or taken out of context. Try the black and white approach: drive the nail right there sort of thing. There are many interesting truths in science and many of those are just like paintings or carvings in a gallery: they have no practical use in dealing with our present circumstances. Of course we have the choice to live in the gallery, if we are independently wealthy and don’t need to interact with the rest of the population. When I think of creation as nothing but whirling and swirling bits I’m engaging in an interesting mental exercise but if I just started a fire in my oven I have to think of something more practical to deal with the fire – before I burn the house down. And you know what? Science and technology are burning the house down but the worshipers are happy to sit in the pews and laugh, gawk or clap at their Ted Talks, fiddling while Rome burns. But when the fire gets close to the personal pew, now they panic and quickly turn around to find someone to blame for their growing fear and discomfort.
        I do react powerfully against the “life is all illusion” approach because it was invented by individuals with no empathy who wanted to hide their total disregard for the poor. “Your need, your pain, is all illusion. Fuck off!” When I turned it around and said, “well your own life, your possessions, your wealth, these are all illusions as well so why don’t you give that away? What difference will it make to someone like you who knows the truth?” Oh the interesting answers I got to that, the most common (the most “Christian”) is I’ve been entrusted with these things and I must prove myself a good steward. There is no end to the number of hypocritical manufactured excuses people will harbour so as to promote injustice in the world. This world’s “System” is founded on injustice and that is how it must be maintained. The people are programmed to promote injustice in every organization they involve themselves in – bar none! Thing is, at some level everybody knows or suspects this truth but can never resolve it. Those who would make change keep jumping from the squirrel cage to the chipmunk cage to the hamster wheel. Same rat race, different course.


      13. Sha'Tara Post author

        I should have added my usual, that a car can be made up of basically nothing but “bits” but as in matter versus spirit, the difference does manifest rather shockingly quick when you go to drive it. Suddenly you’re not surrounded by indistinguishable “bits” which include your body. There’s a door, a seat, a steering wheel and a bunch of buttons. In front is a windshield and wipers. Brake pedals and a gas pedal near the floor. An engine that you can hear, and you can be sure it’s not made of the same stuff you seat is made of. So on and so forth. If a part of that car breaks down you can’t just move some bits from here and there, for example to fix a flat tire. I think I’ve completed my analogy. Show me how I can constructively use bit awareness to heal people or to feed them and I’ll be all ears and open mind.

        Liked by 1 person

      14. Sha'Tara Post author

        Got a thing to say about that. That much misunderstood ego thing. You’re using the psychobabble definition of ego here, rawgod. Have you ever worked on computerized machinery, for example FCB’s – those horrible 7-11 Big Gulpered sugared/artificially sweetened/artificially coloured carbonated ice drink dispensers? In the top you find all the computer boards we techs use to program the machines. But between the main or mother board and the auger system or compressor is another board, much smaller, much cheaper, non-programmable we call the interface card. Think of the main board as your mind and the mechanical monstrosities as your body. To prevent irreversible damage to main board or machine components, in comes the interface. That is your ego. It acts as a translation device between mind and brain/body complex. It isn’t weird or magical and it isn’t programmable by your upbringing. As long as people believe that deliberate myth about themselves that is how long they will remain totally confused about what and who the are and in a state guaranteed to prevent self empowerment. The ego is not the source of feelings but the interface that passes feelings from the mind into the body or vice versa if we are speaking of physical feelings, like a mashed thumb. As for emotions, all they are is exhaust from feelings. They are not meant to be used but to be expunged ASAP. I suppose it’s fun to believe that our officialdom knows best all the time, particularly in “science” and the medical fraternity. There’s so much quackery in there even ducks couldn’t understand the languages being mis and cross-spoken. After all, it’s not about healing but strictly about profits, rare exceptions noted.


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      That’s the way I’ve been seeing it for many decades. Death is not the end. It presents a chance to make some huge adjustments to how we perceive our next foray into whatever type of physical life we choose which includes living in liminal space, in which resides my current “home” world I call Altaria. They call it living in non-space but it is still real space and real life. It is my understanding that once an ISSA being is evolved enough to make intelligent choices (that cancels out most Earthians since they make no effort to understand their own purpose) it can choose to totally dissipate into spirit generically, no personal memory remaining of what it has been i.e., no mind. It involves the total annihilation of one’s mind. I’ve come across some people who see that as a goal. Not me, I’ve invested too much into life to give up when it’s really beginning to show some progress of sorts. I may not really know anything but I am learning a lot, particularly about pseudo humans and their belief systems. How do they so easily rationalize supporting systems of death that kill thousands of children and their mothers for the simple expedient of having cheap gas at the pump? [speaking of US/NATO backed murderous Saudis against the Yemeni people for one; Fascist apartheid Israel against the Palestinian people for another and of course the endless dirtiest war of NATO and proxy ally terrorist organizations against the people of Syria]
      I suppose it’s as simple as checking the colour chart and realizing they’re not WiPePo. That’s all the justification needed isn’t it?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sha'Tara Post author

        They always were George. The difference is that now we’re more aware of the problem. Nothing will be done about it except for a whole lot of blaming and denial. Remember that article on ponerology I sent you a link to? Sadistic monsters have always ruled mankind since the beginning of civilization. You read about them through history. One that stands out for me is Antiochus IV Epiphanes whose atrocities against the Jews in Palestine are well recorded. Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, America’s sweetheart, Somoza, dictator of Nicaragua, Pinochet in Chile, before that, another America sweetheart, murderous Cuban dictator Batista – genocidal maniacs who enjoyed torturing people and killing them. Psychopaths always, without fail, gravitate to every position that gives them power over others. That’s their reason for living. You have some like Bill Gates for example who cleverly hide their psychopathy by buying a reputation through pretend philanthropic organizations that net them more money than they put into them. The Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is a prime example of the worst example of “charity.” Ruling psychopaths have many faces. Not all are military dictators.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. George F.

        I’ll may go off script and attempt to write something that transcends time, space and all human limitations. I am only becoming aware of these psychopaths. You have a greater historical grasp than I.


      3. Sha'Tara Post author

        Well George, I had one life (thankfully almost over) in which to ground myself in some understanding of the Earthian species I’ve been a part of throughout so many millennia, and studying history, however limited due to my knowing only 2 languages, was one of the quickest way to get a long-term review. Then there was the matching of what was recorded as “history” with what glimpses of past lives I was able to gain. The other part was daily observation and putting myself in the cross-hairs of society as “transgender” and a “conspiracy theorist” by refusing to believe or accept anything at face value that came from collective manipulation, including but not limited to, political, media, medical, educational, religious, scientific, counter movements and even simple local organizations springing up for whatever reason. Everybody involved in a group LIES. Lies are the foundations of any organization except there are dozens of euphemisms to hide the lies. They remain lies regardless and half-truths are the worst and most insidious in the pack (of lies). Hyperbole and ads are lies. Even promises remain in the realm of lies until fulfilled. Is it any wonder those with the power to do so routinely break their promises? They lied to get the power with no intention of fulfilling any of their promises. In fact, if you take politicians you can be certain that if he promises to do “A” and never do “B” he will do “B” and ignore “A”. What is even more obvious that the ploy is programmed, few if any will ever call him to account for lying and if some do it won’t matter in the least. To paraphrase Sylvester Pussycat, “It always disappoints me when a liar’s pants don’t actually catch on fire.”

        Liked by 1 person

      4. George F.

        Incredible! I am off to craft a message that transcends time, space, and all human limitations! Most likely, I won’t succeed, but this will be my rallying cry!!!!


      5. Sha'Tara Post author

        I know that face to face Phil would be crack up million laughs. I’ve met people like that before and on the face-to-face you can banter back and forth until tears are running down your face. Too bad the blogging can’t make it happen… and sound wouldn’t do it either as I’m way past half deaf. Enjoy your snark, Phil, no point having it if it can’t be enjoyed. I’ll think about you when I’m having that beer with a friend later…

        Liked by 1 person

  7. deteremineddespitewp

    Interesting post and comments….So the girl who kicked the hornet’s nest which knocked into the wasp’s nest next door?
    As you know by now Sha’ Tara I hold to the principals that:
    1. We Humanity tend to forget we are but part of the Cycle of Life and everyone is a while something comes along to remind us (ask any Dutch Elm)
    2. Try as we might we cannot hold the dynamics of the planet to do our whims, as King Canute demonstrated to the fawning section of his Court..
    3. History indicates the more ruling groups try to maintain an authoritarian grip the stupider they get and then come along some bold freedom fighters who take over, and to make sure everyone gets a taste of freedom, the freed are to do as they are told.
    Thus do I sit here trying to work out just exactly how my benevolent, firm but fair socialist state (ie my kind of socialist state, not those folk who claim they are socialists but are simply betrayers to the cause) will work, when History indicates, it don’t.
    And trying not to sound too smart-ass by saying about the pandemic ‘It was always a case of not IF but WHEN’


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      That’s a great philosophy Roger. As we understand our local cosmos, we live in a finite environment maintained with energy. As that energy is transmuted to do different things and maintain our environment and our social aspirations (doing ‘work’) we experience the effects of entropy. In a closed system which our planet appears to be as regards matter, its available energy dwindles in time, exponentially so if the natural systems are strained. Through over-consumption (unsustainability) entropy increases until no energy is left to do useful work. That means the system is like the scrambled egg: it cannot be unscrambled to get the egg back. To a physical entity such a system is dead. So, according to the 2nd law of thermodynamics entropy always increases and earth is a doomed world to all the life on it.
      Is there an afterward? asked the apprentice
      That depends entirely on you, replied the wizard.

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      1. deteremineddespitewp

        The interesting point would be, when, if left alone would all Life finally ‘dry up’?
        From my perspective of reading the 4 billion year history of the World, I am not so sure it will, there seems a constant capacity which insists on ignoring a number of would-be physical strictures.
        That said, the Sun might well erupt forth in its final stages and the question becomes academic.
        Mind you, there is the other even longer, longer view that eventually the Universe itself will ‘dry up’, so that possibility appears to answer the question of Life.
        In an afterlife I sure would like to fly around the cosmos a bit and see ‘what’s what’. Of course the distances being what they are I will probably have to restrict myself to the Solar System.


      2. Sha'Tara Post author

        It all hinges on a whole bunch of “if’s”! If the planet is a closed system – we don’t know that for sure. If “life” itself doesn’t have a back up plan for when what we call energy has become entropic and the planet is revived and re-seeded. If there is a mutation that mines and lives off of entropic energy. If the second law of thermodynamics is as wrong as wrong can be. What if there is an alien “intervention”??? What do we really know that isn’t just one more assumption?

        Liked by 1 person

      3. deteremineddespitewp

        Who knows?
        No one, that’s for certain.
        We will keep on speculating and ‘mining’ away and will never find the final answer. Which is probably how it is in the nature of a universe of this size and age.
        I love the wondering of it all.

        Liked by 1 person

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