April 19, 1979

[my life by   ~burning woman~  ]

And now, by popular request – thanks for being my cheering section George! – a little true story that will neither seem true, nor is it so little.

It’s a dark, cold and cloudy late afternoon in Chilliwack. It’s April 19, 1979 and I’m at the end of my rope, parked in the back of an old hotel, (now long gone) the kind that rents rooms by the hour and I am seriously contemplating suicide. Nothing left to live for, it seems.

I’m 33 years old and I’ve just been advised by several surgeons and medical experts that my debilitated back condition was not fixable. I was looking at spending the rest of my life in a wheelchair probably within months. That was an unacceptable option.

Yes, I had already spent money and time on the do-it-yourself self-healing things; the vitamins, the exercise things, the special chairs and mattresses things. This was it: the final choice.

That’s when “it” happened. I was caught in some sort of trance and pulled into an alternate reality. I can still see the scene. I was in two places at once. I was standing, painlessly I might add, and talking with a very tall, slim individual in a white floor length “gown”. He had long straight white hair that flowed over his shoulders and a very kindly looking, very serious face. I was also lying down on what seemed like a hospital bed and there were three other entities around me doing “medical” stuff much as you would see in a modern Earth hospital minus all the hardware – but for the bed, there was none. (Maybe that was a ninite bed, eh, George? – ref to: https://randomwalkthroughintelligentuniverse.wordpress.com/)  

I remember how good it felt just being there. The tall one spoke to me and I realized he was part of the healing team, giving me advice on how to proceed to live my “new” life once they were done. He said much more than I could absorb but the great thing about these types of communications is they are given in “zipped” package format which can be opened and drawn from, bit by bit over time. I didn’t know that then and I didn’t care.


What I cared about was hearing that my body was being fixed and I was being “sent back” to my old life to “work things out” so to speak. I did not like that idea. Going back to what I was, even minus the back pain, was unacceptable. We had a “discussion” in which I tried to explain why I did not want to go back, and he explained that first of all it wasn’t a choice I could make and secondly there was a very good reason for going back. His explanations, in brief, as I remembered afterwards.

“Know that every *ISSA being who chooses to incarnate does so with, and for, a purpose. It is because these purposes are seldom remembered, least of all completed, that worlds like yours (there are so many!) remain in their terrible darkness of pain and sorrow. You will need to awaken to the purpose you set for yourself before you reincarnated on Earth and you will need to activate that mind template of yours to complete your “this life” tour of duty to your world. The life we are returning to you, and returning you to, is not meant to be lived selfishly any longer. You will find that not to be a burden, but a source of bliss and joy as you get used to it.”

“Could I not just forget this, end this, and start again somewhere else, clean, free of the memories of the mess I’ve made of this life?”

“No. Too many things left unfinished and to jump you out of your responsibilities, even if it was permitted, would serve neither your ends, nor ours as regards your world. We have a stake in how you and others like yourself perform when they return to the reality of their particular societies. Your request is non-negotiable. We are now returning you to your life exactly at the point where we intercepted it minus any physical pain or dis-ease, such as your back disruptions and allergies. Those are already gone.

You will not be left alone to work things out. People, whom you will call “Teachers” will be assigned to you, to provide advice and answer the thousands of questions you will have. Do not get attached to them. They will fulfill their own duty towards you and when done, leave you with all the information you will need, safely stored in “information packets” which your mind will tap into at need. They will teach you how to open your information packets based on need. Nothing and no one will be able to remove that information from your mind, nor can it be faked. When doubts and confusion arise, as will constantly happen, that is where you go for confirmation and support. But be very diligent in transferring any information you open into personal thinking patterns and into action. In other words, we have changed your body but you must change your own mind using that information.

That’s how it all started, 40 years ago. I can just imagine some reading this thinking (or saying) “Well talk about programming! She’s one to talk.” And it’s true, it is a form of programming if the information was simply accessed and put into a “faith” folder or used to write self-help delusion novels; if it was turned into a proselytizing process, like Christians and Muslims do with their particular information.

There are massive differences to the faith-based belief systems. One is, this remains a personal matter. Two, I am personally acquainted with its source and I’ve tested its reliability, consistency and trustworthiness. Three, I can talk about it to anyone who asks questions but I’ve always said that what I “have” inside is not transferable except as words bereft of any kind of manipulative force or any hidden power agenda. Individually or collectively people can tap into what I say and what I do but there is zero access to what I possess of cosmic knowledge. Only I have the key and I cannot “loan” it to anyone nor can the information be extracted through any form of duress. If it was it would be in a code that nothing could crack.

Having opened up this can of worm, I’ll just leave it open…

*ISSA: Acronym for intelligent, sentient, self aware






40 thoughts on “April 19, 1979

  1. Hyperion

    I do believe too many of these life-changing moments have occurred to doubt their veracity. I know another person with a very similar story. She would tell you the beings, by your description, were from Alfheim, one of the nine worlds of Yggdrasil. Others would find a way to explain it differently, but what does it matter? It happened. You were changed by it. Only you know the depth of what the Teachers imparted. In your sharing of the teachings over time, there has been no need for me to cry true or false but to admire the honesty and rightfulness of it. Continue, please, Sha’Tara


    1. jim-

      That’s interesting. I’m curious if ”were from Alfheim, one of the nine worlds of Yggdrasil”, were terms and information she had prior knowledge of, or if it was new information she’d never heard before? In many cases we hear rehashes of information we already knew. Hearing something accurate yet that you had no prior knowledge of helps to know if it was a projection of self, or an actual visitation.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hyperion

        Hi Jim. My friend had a visitation she describes after the fact as a Dark Elf from Svartalfheim, also one of the nine realms of Yggdrasil. She didn’t make this connection until a few years later. Her visitation happened during a traumatic time in her life as a teen. Later she met a German man, married, and moved to Germany where she met Scandinavians that lived by the old Norse code and used the much later written Asatru Edda to learn about Norse mythology. The visitor had continued to visit her in meditations and dreams and instruct her on the course she would take in life. She did follow the course and guidance and is now raising 4 daughters and is probably the most intelligent and insightful person I have ever met when it comes to divining the proper way to solve domestic living issues in a healthy and safe although determined way. She attributes her knowledge to her visitations which she never doubted was real. The Norse mythology was how she came to identify and make sense of her Dark Elf which represents a powerful father figure to her.

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      2. jim-

        This kind of thing is fascinating to me. My older daughter (33) and my wife both had similar experiences in the same week. Both confided in me what had happened and both had verifiable information that they had no previous knowledge about. The names were completely foreign to them although in my variety of interest I knew of whom they spoke. Sha’s experience with the robed man is very similar. On an interesting note, neither would have quantified their experience as “religious” but both received some grounding information regarding their personal journey and who they have been in past lives and what gifts they were to focus on. I have talked to Sha’Tara briefly about myself (maybe I’m a newbie?) but I have no spiritual inklings, just curiosity. My journey here is strictly to observe the condition of humanity with the challenge my observations will give me an opportunity next time around to skip the 50 years of indoctrinations and assist this place in getting it right. I am apolitical and have chosen no sides since I was about 25, and have lived outside the common rules here about 5 years after I woke up. There is more, but for now I’ll just leave it at that. Nice to meet you.

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      3. Hyperion

        I never doubt these types of experiences. I do think in order to understand and accept such an experience, many people will do what we humans have always done and that is to couch the experience in some familiar way. Religious, ethereal, natural, supernatural, etc. I had my own experiences when a child that I thought was normal as corn on the cob but when I related the experiences it scared the willies out of my family and my grandmother explained those things were to be kept to oneself else I get housed as an inmate in the state hospital. My mother, on the other hand understood perfectly and guided me through it with acceptance as the first order of business. She too had these visions. My father actually got creeped out pretty bad by me telling him things he did as a child he thought nobody knew. I was able to tell him the exact scene and what his thoughts were at the time. This is when his mother, my grandmother, decided to save me from myself and told me to keep quiet. Interestingly enough is my father and I looked like identical twins 26 years apart but when you looked at pictures when he was sixteen and when I was sixteen the only differences one could tell is the type of film used and the period clothes. Strange DNA? Who knows. He didn’t like me being in his head much at all. There are other strange events but by this time, I’ve heard so many of them from other people, it seems it isn’t out of the ordinary at all. Maybe our fear, reaction, or interpretation is the only odd part. I think you have chosen the best path. By not selling yourself to the politics or religion of the day, you have saved yourself a lot of complications. Best regards.

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      4. Sha'Tara Post author

        It’s always good to come across other people’s experiences with the Astral. Make one feel a bit less of a nut bar. These visitations and travels by individuals are still greatly feared, hence mocked or dismissed as BS by both religious and secular people, if mostly in the so utterly materialistic West. I wonder how such personal stories are received in China? Why is interaction with the spirit world so feared wherever a certain power establishes an imperial rule on Earth? That is a simple question, really. The power fears any other force it has no way of controlling except by belittling and eventually persecuting those who live under a different set of rules that those imposed by imperial dictatorial decree. The Catholic hegemon wasn’t torturing and killing “heretics” just for the fun of it. It knew a power resided inside those who deliberately opposed its dictatorial laws. The reformation, though equally corrupt and bereft of direction except greed, proved they were right.

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      5. Hyperion

        Yes indeed Sha’tara. Many of the Old Testament stories are simply rip offs of more ancient beliefs starting with Adam and Eve. The choice of using an apple as the poison fruit was a Christian insult aimed at the pagans who relished the apple as a gift from their gods. The stories are too numerous and well traced to historical artifacts, which can be misleading, but they are tangible relics unlike the bloviations without fact our evidence. The Chinese were very spiritual and connected until communism declared thou shalt not have any beliefs but in the revolution and later the State. Strangely, in the great migration of Chinese to several enclaves throughout the world they established healthy communities that still adhere to the old customs and traditions. Native Americans were also well connected to a spiritual world and so in these instances astral travels were considered positive experiences. Without fear, we can experience much more than what meets the senses in our physical world.

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      6. Sha'Tara Post author

        Incidentally Daniel, my own father figure is none other than that entity that calls itself “RA”. In a striking vision one day he re-introduced himself as both, my father and my lover, and I immediately recognized him. It was a powerfully emotional reunion – another one of those side trips I wished I could have remained in. But I’ll catch up with him again, of that I have no doubts. I won’t even care if I discover he’s got himself a harem, in fact I’m pretty sure he does… It won’t be Earth and as they say, ‘diffr’nt strokes for diffr’nt folks.’

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      7. Hyperion

        What a magnificent experience Sha’tara. That goes back to the dawn of civilization and it likely means you have dwelled in the cycles of life many times on earth and elsewhere, just as you have said. I could always sensed that you brought parts of your past lives with you and this would explain why it is so hard to tolerate the baseness we have become on this angry blue paradise.

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  2. jim-

    I’m trying to see how this fits with my own experience which is different in its level of urgency—like there isn’t any. I’ll think on this a while.


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Thanks for the initial encouragement to post this. It was while I was ‘remembering’ in order to write it down in some logical fashion that your “nanite bed” concept struck me. I was ‘there’ again, lying on that bed, feeling the healing, strengthening and rejuvenation taking place and the fact that apart from the three entities doing whatever, no equipment except the bed… I thought, hey, that bed! What if these healers were there just to make sure the ‘nanites’ were being accepted by my system and doing their thing?
      Quote: http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-a-nanite.htm
      A nanite, also known as a nanomachine, nanobot, or other similar variations of the prefix, is a machine designed on a very small scale.Since nanomachines are so small, they take their name from the term nanometer, which is one billionth of a meter.Nanites have a number of different uses, but are most commonly associated with the biomedical fields.
      From my viewpoint, it fits. I know it’s just an idea but it fits so well. Why wouldn’t these “aliens” (the Altarians) use a form of technology that would work here, at least for a time. After 40 years I feel the healing and maintenance force draining away exponentially. My physical end is near, which is neither a good nor bad thing to contemplate, but the things I’ve learned and done; the knowledge I’ve extracted from my mind during that time and the observations I made which I’m taking with me, that stuff is priceless. And, as the Terminator said, “I’ll be back!”

      Liked by 2 people

      1. George F.

        Wow, man…thanks for sharing. Truly. And is it a coincidence that your personal experience mirrors the story I am attempting to write? Strange indeed…


      2. Sha'Tara Post author

        I do not believe coincidence is involved, but careful planning behind the scenes. I’ve experienced too much “stuff” to write this off to happenstance. All of us, interacting either willy-nilly or to deliberately share information while shaking the cobwebs of doubt, scorn and confusion from our minds have entered into a plan/project/plot that is much bigger than any of us but not beyond our abilities and skills to be a part of. As the saying goes… all will be revealed in time. Once we accept our roles as “agents” in some predetermined way, the lights will come on in the tunnel. My goal long ago was to break out of system brainwashing. I’ve done that. Now I can trust my own knowledge; my own intuition. I’ve also seen “the System” for what it is and there is nothing, absolutely nothing in it that an intelligent and awake being would ever trust. Repeat: not one single thing. There is a history behind my rejection of civilization and the System that upholds it, that stretches back to many billions of years. I’ve hinted at this many times but it may be time again to re-write what I’ve been told of this history and post it for some who may be looking for information that can fill in some gaps.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Sha'Tara Post author

        Seen it scroll by in the email list. Will hit it soon. Looking forward to reading it, but not under the duress of some 50 emails screaming to be addressed right now, and it’s 10:30 PM here already!


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Let me repeat, remind, and assure you that any bits my stuff can provide to help your story along, you are free to use without credits. I don’t do credits. Just use away!!! 😊

      Liked by 2 people

      1. George F.

        I will most definitely use! Thank you. Now, stop by and catch up on the latest conversation as Lasseter explains the importance of religion…


  3. rawgod

    So many similarities, yet so many differences.
    I have written many times about my pseudo-NDE (seeing as I had the choice to end this incarnation, it was an NDE to me, but to most NDErs it did not meet the criteria of being in physical danger, so therefore that “urgency” did not exist. Little do they know!) which resulted TWICE in visiting a particular realm (the second time on purpose, once I knew how to open the door), but while there was an “inner voice” where I went there were no people, no minds, and all the spirits there were recently dead, but they were in a living comatose state is the best way I can describe it.
    Yeah, I brought back a lot of “information packets” with me that took me decades to understand and integrate into this being that is me, but nowhere in those packets were there any gods, teachers, or anything that spoke to individual beings outside of physical life. Not that I could even remember physical lives, things were just too different to describe in mortal words, but in my spirit I know how to feel both entire experiences, and I shall never forget. Nor shall I ever regret these experiences, they made me who I am today.
    The similarities are enough to let me know others experienced something, but I often wonder why there were no guides or anyone at all where I went? If anything it was a buddha-like experience, but when I sought out a buddhist teacher a number of years later, the best I can say is buddhism was but a first step in a cosmic process, an inch in a parsec. The thing is, even NDEs appear to be relative to something. The only “reality” in my NDE was life. Take that for whatever it is worth to you.


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Thanks for your great comment, rawgod. I believe these kinds of experiences are always intensely personal and can only be understood by the experiencee(! good word, no?) Check out my response to Phil and his comeback.


  4. Phil Huston

    Let’s be clear here – information “from others/the other side is a constant, and the experience is relative, yet different, to everyone. Often “we” are exposed in ways/images/realities that “we” can grasp and are meaningful to “us” as individuals. Make it back from any experience where “reality” is altered, whether it’s self induced or the result of trauma and the concept of “reality” is forever altered in “our” experience. We are all born with an 800 number to the great beyond. The trouble is getting people to use it.


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Quote: “We are all born with an 800 number to the great beyond.” Well said and so true. There is a caviat for those who use it however: the last four digits are different for everyone who dials it. It gives no one the right to claim that her/his experience is special or exceptional or applicable to anyone else. (as an aside for a chuckle, I searched “caviat” to double check that I had the meaning correct… and I was given a recipe for chicken cacciatore while the WP spell check wanted me to change it to caviar.)

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      1. Phil Huston

        Exactly. The experience is unique, as is the application of what has been learned. And indeed it is a gift to be accepted and welcomed but is not a crown. “Arrogance is a paper crown. Worn well by no one.”

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      2. rawgod

        I don’t know that the experiences are unique, but almost all, if not all, of the cases I have read about come from white Christian backgrounds, or those who have left that fold. Most end up involving Christ, or angels, somewhere in the experience. Many are just reiterations of what others have said before. Are these real experuences? Maybe, but maybe not. I think some at least are copycat tellings, trying to gain attention to themselves.
        Of course, it is also possible that because many see what they are conditioned to see (the tunnel, the bright white light, a greeter or group of greeters, often with a Christ or other biblical personage, etc.), so that is the most common sight. The thing is, while this might strengthen their belief in some way or other, yet I hear very few stories of it taking years to absorb all the changes. Maybe because what I saw was more or less unexpected– I did not have any expectations–what I experienced was far beyond anything I could have dreamt up.
        I will admit, I was looking for a spiritual experience of some kind–the first time I took LSD told me this could be the way to find it–but I was not ready for the first experience, and the second was a “did that really happen?” experiment that confirmed the first. But instead of conforming to any known belief I had knowledge of, what I experienced scared the shit out of me. Yeah, I was changed, but to what? It took some 30 years to begin to really understand, and another 20 before I was completely comfortable with myself. And that was a progression, two steps forward, one or more steps back over decades. I could see, but I did not always understand.
        But does this mean I see Truth? No, not in my mind. I do see my truth, of that there is certainty. But truth seems to be relative, different for anyone, NDEd or not.

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      3. Sha'Tara Post author

        The subject of truth has always fascinated me. Something can be undeniably true:. Observation: “This glass has a crack in it.” True because anyone can see that. “This glass is cracked therefore I cannot drink out of it” That is my truth but not automatically true. If it’s still in one piece it may still be useful to drink out of. My conclusion, however it is shaken, there is no such thing as “Truth” – certainly nothing as absolute truth and if it isn’t absolute, how can it be truth? If it’s observable by the senses then it is true. If it is not observable but believed to be so; that does not make it true; certainly not “Truth.” It becomes faith which is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” says Hebrews 11 (New Testament in KJV English).
        There is a term for when people from a similar background experience visions with similar characters and scenes in them but I can’t recall it. When one is “advanced” enough to experience past life memories in dreams or visions however, that imagery breaks down. You find yourself in that world, at that time and the familiar gestalt – yeah, I think that’s the word – is that of the past life being remembered. Bottom line all of that is intensely personal. Thanks for pointing out that ”
        caviat” is spelled “caveat” LOL.


      4. Phil Huston

        Subconscious conditioning, the tapes running in the background are one thing and I feel those are often reactions to trauma, distress, etc which explains the religious symbolism. True altered states, regardless of origin whether acid has you hiding from the air conditioner or watching the butcher counter breathe or a meditative state, Zen, they open up the channels of the cosmic radio and that’s what we’re after. Something grander than the grand illusion.

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      5. Phil Huston

        Like what happens when you stand in the fog and watch the Pacific roar into the cliffs and realize most things are insignificant compared to the force.


      6. rawgod

        I’ve never seen the Pacific roar. Now the Atlantic, I’ve seen 50 foot waves crash into rocky shores, that was a roar and a half. I’ve also seen the tide changes in the Bay of Fundy, and that is a “lot” of water moving in and out each day.
        Question: Where do you see the Pacific roar?

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      7. Phil Huston

        When I go to the NorCal coast to clear my head. Point cabrillo lighthouse,Mendocino is good, anywhere north of there…anywhere up the one all the way to Canada. I’ve sat through some gulf coast hurricanes in my youth, that’ll wake you up. I’d like to see the Atlantic bash into the west side of Wales or Scotland, it looks pretty impressive. But so is the silence of the desert, the Rockies…significance falls away in the presence of the un graspable

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      8. rawgod

        I was actually talking about the Atlantic hitting the east coast of Canada, in particular Fort Louisbourg on Cape Breton Island. Being a prairie boy I just sat there in wonder as monstrous waves continued to shake the ground beneath my feet. I think anywhere else they would have been called tidal waves and run miles inland they were so powerful.
        And man has nothing to do with that. Nada.

        Liked by 2 people

      9. Sha'Tara Post author

        So true that. I sensed something was odd there. Thanks for the correction, and it does explain why the spell check got confused!!!


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