15 thoughts on “Perhaps it’s time to consider this is all a scam…?

  1. mcaimbeul

    I think we’ve reached the point in civilization where it spins on an omnipresent scam. It’s still possible to dodge a lot of it by being ‘ever aware.’ The first step is acknowledging it as you’ve so very well pointed out.


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Thank you. I was thinking about Phil’s “fuck your money” sign as an implementation but that will only work if we collectively wrest the entire casino from their hands, loot it, give the proceeds to the poor, then shut it down with a sign on it for future generations saying, “To our gravest shame we allowed this to be built and operated by our willing slave labour. May you ever remember our greedy, ignorant folly.”

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Phil Huston

    The worst part is the “pay for it” part is all play money. Power = $. Money is truly meaningless except for what “it” can “buy.” What has a starving, freezing homeless person in Dallas offer in like kind trade for food and shelter? “Money”? Across the globe, what can they offer? Unskilled, untrained, they don’t even make good slaves. “Helping” costs “money.” What if everyone decided to throw in and help and stiffed the banks? Without the anarchy and violence of an armed revolution. “Fuck your money, do it anyway”?
    There is no peace and no equality because we have forgotten, as a “people”, that we belong to each other. All the cultural tonics of religion and “money” serve only to widen the division between a “people” and themselves. Instead of standing on corners looking for handouts, I wait for the day I see a person standing there with a “Fuck Your Money” sign. Because that day marks the beginning of the revolution.


      1. Sha'Tara Post author

        It is a great idea. We live in a global pay to play capitalist casino and only those who have the plastic or paper tokens can approach the roulette wheel or the poker table.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. kertsen

    No it’s no scam just the out working of human nature. There has always been a pecking order which translates into a pyramid of wealth..
    The top 1% in the world have about half of the global wealth; this is not a modern fact it has always been that way. It has nothing to do with technology that simply gives us greater scope to fulfill our desires. Not only is there a global pyramid but each country has its own wealth pyramid. To be in the top 1% is quite easy in the rich western democracies since the wealthiest 75 million live mostly in these countries.
    I’m in the top 2% myself in the UK although rated to be below the poverty line. Even so if we were to level out the worlds wealth I would get poorer. I do not believe we will solve the problem but we have some very powerful assistants who will solve it for us.
    The first is climate change and the second is antibiotic resistance.
    There are those who seem to be convinced we hold the puppet strings especially among the scientific community, but our behaviour follows our nature , we cannot behave out of context as history has proved.


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Well Kertsen, scam or not, your conclusion sums it up conclusively. We are dealing here with the laws of thermodynamics; entropy.


  4. kertsen

    Ha ha thermodynamics is much easier to handle but human nature involves the most complex thing we know of in the universe , the human mind. It’s a bit like being caught up in war, we know it’s crazy but we are in the thick of it surrounded by battling men. In music a great analogy is Honky Tonk Women when Mick Jagger meets more than his match in Memphis , the gin soaked bar- room queen.


  5. Sha'Tara Post author

    I met a gin soaked, bar-room queen in memphis
    She tried to take me upstairs for a ride.
    She had to heave me right across her shoulder
    Cause I just can’t seem to drink you off my mind.
    Its the honky tonk women
    Gimme, gimme, gimme the honky tonk blues.
    I laid a divorcee in new york city,
    I had to put up some kind of a fight.
    The lady then she covered me with roses,
    She blew my nose and then she blew my mind.
    Its the honky tonk women (etc.)
    …and we make choices on how we deal with what we cannot change. We can, as in the song, try to get back some of what we’ve lost, the stupid, or the hard way, or we can change ourselves, change path, choose “otherworldly” and begin something new with the potential to change everything for “me” that would never change for “us”.


  6. stolzyblog

    I’d hold: neither scam nor human nature (as one anonymous commenter sees it). Of course, I am in agreement with the general observation of all the symptoms. And it is absolutely true that currently the so-called capitalist structure of producing and consuming which operates more or less uniformly throughout the world is revealing more and more it’s latent tendency to unite with oligarchy, causing a minute ruling class. (I say latent because, unchecked it will mathematically move towards this direction, and the checking mechanisms have been faulty and assuaulted as of late.) But to apply the diagnosis of ‘scam’ sets the stage for great confusion and reactionary flight into some inappropriate system more suitable to earlier periods of history and human development. Scam implies conscious agency in control and manipulation.

    In fact, the sociopathic impulses which are bringing matters to a boil currently are anything but conscious. Oh I know Davos happens and the Koch brothers are demonic and Robert Mercer is creepily operating behind the scenes. And I know all other cultures and nations have equivalent denizens, and even that many of them socialize together.

    But there is still, despite this apparent collusion, an enormous veil of unconsciousness clouding everything, especially among the ruling class. The little people, generally speaking, perceive much more of reality than do the rulers — because the rulers are insulated from it and by and large lack imagination. Mostly they just believe they are working for their own well-being in a strictly natural sense; they’ve read their Adam Smith, buy their entertainment, and subscribe to Darwin, and tie it all up with a bow of incuriousness as the natural order of things. They just happened to be born/endowed with greatness or at least good fortune. Sprinkle a bit of compassion, The United Way, about here and there and all will be well next generation.

    This returns us to considering human nature as the culprit, as M. Anonymouse insists.

    Psychology went off the rails early in it’s nascent career when the most influential names decided to focus upon the deformations within the psyche and what causes this. A more useful approach would have been to serious try and understand the geniuses of humanity — and by this I most heartily include the emotional qualities, and the will to perform and envision ever more creative acts of goodness. When we want to study maple trees, for example, as a botanical phenomenon, we do not consider it profitable to spend 95% of our research money and career efforts upon the millions of more times seeds do NOT manifest into maple trees, we get busy observing the seeds which have succeeded. Along the way we refine our concepts as to why and how the tree has come to be.

    Certainly there is ample occasion to observe how human nature falls short in myriad ways upon the world stage, and even within our own biographies. So much so that many, like Anonymous, concludes that this is the human lot. Human nature compels us to ever greater and drearier global catastrophes.

    I say no, shouting with my entire soul and spirit, employing lungs too if need be.

    The path out of the morass must involve erecting a science of inner development which cultivates virtues and humane social instincts (as evident already in seed form within most children as I observe within my own toddler and and his daycare mates) according to models derived from those inspiring biographies within our cultural history whom we find admirable. This path must necessarily be subjective as well as objective, a blending. (For more on this, if inclined, look at an earlier post of mine concerning how science abandoned human nature in the 17th century here: https://skirmisheswithreality.net/2016/02/04/nagel-summarizes-nagel/)

    Further, it must rely upon self-cultivation, trusting in fellowship, each aspirant to assume leadership and direction of his or her own unfolding and blossoming. (For more on this, if inclined, look at an earlier post of mine concerning how the classical virtues are in fact what form the root of all sensible and workable ethics here: https://skirmisheswithreality.net/2015/10/28/3-approaches-to-ethics/)

    The present mess is an opportunity. But there needs to be a sufficient proportion of humanely able people to morph the mess into positive blossoming. There will be ample chances for deception en route. The individual spiritual development necessary must account for this; there needs to be a tireless scrutiny of all ideas to uncover the levels of truth, beauty, and goodness inherent or not within them. Collaboration must become more sensitive and kindly.

    Very good post though — I like it


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      I have re-read your comment several times to get to the meat of it. I think I’ve got it and I have to agree with you. From inception, “somehow” the child has to be consciously nurtured into choosing to be/become a kind and compassionate being as the ultimate goal of any human being. This nurturing, which must also and equally be demonstrated by the parents/teachers/leaders, if it were taken on globally would change the face of earth in a couple of generations. Plus, this is definitely within the realm of the possible. What would it cost? What would oppose such a thing? What would be a logical reason not to do this?



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