COVID-19 – What is that finally all about?

[thoughts from   ~burning woman~   by Sha’Tara]

COVID-19, the Day the World Ended… or was it civilization as we’d come to know it… or was it a natural, totally unexpected plague that threatened to annihilate mankind? One of the four horses of the Apocalypse, Death, Famine, War or Conquest, take your pick? Maybe none of the above descriptions or criteria? Maybe simply another convenient false flag?

I would like this to be a synopsis (hopefully short) of what I’ve learned so far about COVID-19. Wow, and good luck with that, I’m thinking. What haven’t I learned and what’s worth remembering now that we’re fully engaged into a “fanfreluche” war against a chimera. Explanation for those not of French extraction: Fanfreluche is a living doll who retells fairy tales and legends to the viewers. When the story goes a way that displeases her, she physically enters the story to “fix” the ending. I hope you can see the connection!

So, what I know, so far. The virus, real, imagined or partially real, no one will ever know now because the waters in the wake of its very loud passage were so muddied nothing can be seen, not even by the very best forensic pathologist, not even the non-existent bodies blamed on its passage can be found. I won’t say no one died a bit sooner than otherwise from the effects of this “manipulated” (medical experts’ consensus) corona virus “extract” but it is also true that the CDC has “advised” medical examiners to label any death due to complications of various pre-existent conditions as COVID deaths.

Reason for that? Think two things: profits for emptied hospitals being paid big bucks for declaring C-19 deaths and governments eager to enter into a new age of totalitarianism, putting an end to those annoying “democracies” with their constitutions demanding that leaders be accountable to the peons. That was an intolerable affront to ruling elites. Well, no more of that, it’s over. The “divine right of kings” has been re-established. “Wear a mask-step, sanitize your hands-step, six-foot rule-step, nitril gloves-step, report your neighbours-step, no large gatherings-step… step-step-step. Halt! Papiere bitte! Vakzine? Nein? You’re under arrest! Turn around, hands behind back or I will shoot you like the dog that you are.”

What else did I learn? Well, during the whole C-19 brouhaha, the problems of climate change miraculously disappeared. Wow! Some even went so far as to claim that suddenly the planet’s physical, if not mental, condition was doing much better. According to hyped up disinformation, the air and even the waters, were so much cleaner. Why? Well because for a few days people drove maybe 20% less and airliners stayed on the ground. I didn’t buy the cleaner air claims but then I’m not exactly an easy sell for propaganda. I like to annoy claimants by stating, “Don’t tell me, show me.” I didn’t see anything. Chilliwack, where this is coming from, is bottled up at the east end of the Fraser Valley and the mountains (see my blog’s header picture!) act as a giant collector of city and port pollution from the coast, from Seattle, north to Vancouver, B.C. Wonder why our pollution levels didn’t seem to “lighten up”? But the good news is, we no longer have to worry about climate change. Fanfreluche is re-writing that part of the tale.

I also learned that during the “pandemic” the problem of a crashing economy due to gross malfeasance and corruption in all highest places of government, military, banking and corporate prevarication was conveniently laid on the shoulders of little Fanfreluche. Up to her now to go in there and change the way the tale is to be re-told! The perpetrators can line up at the trough again, like they did in 2008 and rack up some more billions; buy up more stock options and cut off the small investors out of any hope for some profit on their investments. The “roaring twenties” repeated… in spades! Now comes massive unemployment; loss of homes and security: all COVID’s fault, naturally. Oh, and let’s not forget the “incremental” profits by humongous corporations as tens of thousands of small businesses are neatly excised from the competition field. Does it get better than that?

What else? I came face-to-face with the worst corruption of all: the politicizing of what was presumably a serious medical situation; the blatant corruption of those in charge of developing a real solution to the virus. Instead of handling the virus like any other in previous years the entire planet was suddenly inveigled into acquiescing to outright stupid, inane, pointless and in most cases, deleterious rules ostensibly meant to “contain” the spread of the virus. I learned that those who at first jumped on the Bill Gates agenda to declare a world-wide “vaxable” emergency as millions were sure to drop dead in the streets, in elevators, on beaches, at parties, in swimming pools, in theaters, at board meetings, in planes, trains and automobiles, when caught in fragrante delicto recanted and began to say that the rules were worst than the disease they had been meant to contain.

Think “Dr.” Fauci (whom I lovingly like to call Herr Doktor Faucki Mengele) and his gross lies, not to mention his corrupt behaviour in moving his deadly virus research from Fort Detrick to… yes, Wuhan(!) after Obama shut him down in the States as his “research” was deemed too dangerous. So he took taxpayers’ money and gave it to China. Smooth that, very smooth. About a month and a half ago, his royal lowness, King Donald “promised” to look into Faucki’s corruption: I think we’re in for a very long wait on that one. Corruption investigating corruption? Not unless there’s profit in it for Trump, which based on the level of believers in the COVID divinity, there isn’t. We already know how the “political left” feels about King Donald ordering people back to work.  

We should be so much more trusting of our leaders, wherever we place them, shouldn’t we! When they say no, we know they mean yes and mean well. When they say yes, we know they mean no and mean well. When they tweet endlessly we know to bleat endlessly to complete the “Song of the Zombies.” It will be our very last performance, done alone, in a dark room, under quarantine and one kilometre/mile social distancing. No one will hear. 

72 thoughts on “COVID-19 – What is that finally all about?

  1. katharineotto

    Excellent article, as usual, Sha’Tara. I’ve come to a similar understanding by a different path. I do think the coronavirus panic-demic and climate change are related on some level, having to do with the oil and banking cartel(s), the petro-dollar, and the New World Order folks. Of course I can’t prove it, but it seems we human beings generally are trying to find a balance between personal power, delegated power, and transpersonal power. In this case, individual power is being given over to delegated power (if the individual allows it), but there are cosmic forces at work, too, functioning to slap us all around until we wake up.

    In astrological/symbolic terms, we may be experiencing the birth of the 2300-year Age of Aquarius, a notion popularized by the 1970’s hit musical “Hair.”


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      I think the panic-demic was created to hide the fact that greed of monumental proportions had finally destroyed the global economy; that no matter how much money was printed or how it was “distributed” the end result was catastrophic for the perpetrators. Enter the chaos, confusion and false claims of a pandemic. Impose a global “lockdown” and shut down businesses except for those big enough (corporate, multi-national box stores owned by billionaires) to provide “social distancing” to shoppers and conveniently blame the resultant palpable economic breakdown on the virus. The real criminals are off the radar again, just as in 2008. But now what, huh?
      I personally do not believe there is any possibility of any wake up call for Earthians. Their herd instinct acquiescence to the pandemic insane rules proves it – their mind or brain has not evolved along with the requirements of their technology and the possibilities it has unleashed. That technology needs to feed on natural resources to grow and it is going to eat the planet until there is nothing left for “man” but to die off. This may seem harsh but honest observation says it all: man has no interest in changing its ways and the exceptions only prove the rule. Also man remains as ignorant as ever: not a one has a clue about this “virus” or how it behaves and no idea how it is passed on except by faith in the rule makers who are as ignorant as those they would teach and lead. A very fine mess all around.

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      1. katharineotto

        I believe it is a “crisis” manufactured by control freaks who thought they were in control but found out they aren’t.

        As someone who structures my perceptions of reality through astrology and the way it takes a vertical rather than horizontal approach to time, I no longer try to make predictions. That is to say that each moment contains infinite possibilities. The future of an individual “man” or an “Earthian,” as you phrase it, will be different from the future of humankind as a whole. Each probable future is different, and there are infinite probable futures.

        As I see it, the cosmic clock pertains only to life on Earth, because our bodies are made of earth, just as those of the animals are, and we share the same cosmic corner of space with all other life forms on this tiny grain of rock.

        My belief is that when we shed our earthly bodies, we will also shed the illusions of time and space. Perhaps it will be an opportunity to find out the true meaning of being a “free spirit.”


      2. Sha'Tara Post author

        Quote: “My belief is that when we shed our earthly bodies, we will also shed the illusions of time and space. Perhaps it will be an opportunity to find out the true meaning of being a “free spirit.”
        It’s a good thought, however (damn those howevers!) it doesn’t seem to fit the picture for Earthians. Based on numbers it seems that most Earthians are never able to free themselves from the return to Earth treadmill. Incarnation and re-incarnation, they readily fall in the Matrix trap of fear-based and rage-based existence which accounts for their various “epidemics” of stampede fear as the recent/on-going virus hoax, genocides and of course the ever-present misogyny, racism and bigotry. Point is, if you die “unawakened” to the effects of the Matrix programming, that isn’t going to automatically propel you into some sort of understanding of freedom, just as if you show up at the boarding gate without a passport and a ticket, you won’t automatically get put on a plane. Everything needs “planning” for. What happens after death for those who believed there was no life after death, and for those who trusted in false religion is they get sent back to continue feeding the great machine after having their memories wiped. That to me explains the situation we are currently in and why so few individuals see the reality of the wizard behind the curtain. I think, based on observation, that the number of individuals who choose to return to Earth to complete a personal purpose, goal, mission, is tiny in comparison to those who return without any knowledge of ever having been here before. For those people, what the sheeple herds are doing is the norm and they fit themselves right in, thus perpetuating the sickness.

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      3. katharineotto

        You are fun to dialogue with. While I believe in the cycle of death and rebirth, I also believe that some learning takes place between lives, as individuals process what they’ve learned or failed to learn. Then, according to the astrological construct, they choose their time of rebirth, when the patterns of the heavens are magnetized in a way to set them up for the challenges they will face in the next life.

        In other words, you may die a dolt, but in the afterlife, you must face your dolt-ness, and be ready to make amends, but you also have the opportunity to grow with strengths and interests that you’ve acquired.


      4. Sha'Tara Post author

        Quote: “you may die a dolt, but in the afterlife, you must face your dolt-ness, and be ready to make amends, but you also have the opportunity to grow with strengths and interests that you’ve acquired.”
        Yes, I can see some of that happening… to some people who are willing to undergo disciplined training. But why do most still return as dolts then? What happens to what they presumably learned in that afterlife? Is it that because they left with no intention to improve they were swept up in a vast herd of slaves to be returned “as is” to go through yet another cycle of slaving for their masters? Nothing is ever free. You won’t be “given” expanded awareness in your afterlife if you did not seek it, or worse, if you denied yourself access to the possibility even of an afterlife. This is the “Limbo” stage mentioned in Catholicism, where you sleep as in a coma and awaken when you’re reincarnated. Nothing happened in-between. Then if you try to “remember” you past lives the system and billions of adherents mock you or worse for delving in non-existent reality. So most give up, satisfying themselves with dribs and drabs of religious exercises and trusting that some well-meaning God will take care of things in the end. Or they once again choose to believe in no afterlife.

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      5. katharineotto

        I think people are forced to learn through adversity, if they won’t learn the easy way. Or, they may inadvertently teach others by demonstrating what not to do. It seems to me one of life’s major challenges is in un-learning much of what we’ve been taught, or what’s been thrust on us by society’s expectations.

        To survive is to learn, often to learn things you would rather not know, or so I believe.

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      6. Sha'Tara Post author

        Quote: ” It seems to me one of life’s major challenges is in un-learning much of what we’ve been taught, or what’s been thrust on us by society’s expectations. To survive is to learn, often to learn things you would rather not know, or so I believe.”
        Excellently stated. The unlearning is a challenge it seems that most are not up to. They simply don’t see the need to practice the courage for non-conformity. The recent and continually forcefully pushed COVID-19 fakedemic has certainly demonstrated how easy it is it to push Earthians into herd mode and conformity to authoritarian demands without asking why, or for proof that the claims are legitimate. This happens time and time again, when wars are being started, or “purges” or genocides. Some realize it’s all about money and/or power but most accept the “necessity” of it. There are two ways to survive here. The safe way is to hide in the herd and accept dictates from on high. The dangerous way is the one you refer to: learning through difficult experiences as many protesters in the US are doing and as we did during the anti-Vietnam protests; the protests against environmental degradation of the planet in the late 60’s and 70’s; the covert CIA/Corporate covert wars against the people of Central America and my last one: a massive “rally” against the Iraq war. Everywhere we were confronted by police presence, not as deadly in Vancouver, Canada but intimidating certainly. The police can so easily manufacture any pretext to suddenly attack, maim and imprison, much of it with the knowledge of impunity having garnered to themselves discretionary powers. Then there is the danger of walking around known to be a resister thus feared and hated by “the mob” which it too, like the police, can suddenly attack without real provocation knowing that as a mob it too is temporarily above the law until individuals can be pulled out and charged. Meanwhile like so many targeted individuals you can very well be dead… experienced certainly but dead nevertheless.


      7. Sha'Tara Post author

        I meant to reply to this quote: “I believe it is a “crisis” manufactured by control freaks who thought they were in control but found out they aren’t.”
        Perhaps, but what if the crisis told them what they wanted to know, that done properly and “crisis” can panic the sheeple into total obedience to insane dictatorial rules. Beside that, the hoax accomplished a lot for the elites. Billionaires added to their pile of loot. The collapsing global economy could be blamed on the virus and the “necessary steps” taken to prevent its spread. Most importantly it demonstrated that establishing a global dictatorship and by-passing established laws for living in a democracy was super easy. They haven’t stopped messing with peoples’ lives and destroying small businesses and when they declare a new follow-up pandemic they can complete their take-over plan – exactly as Hitler destroyed the Wiemar republic of Germany and made himself supreme chancellor. Most Germans had already accepted his lies as based on reality. Even after the defeat of the Nazis millions of Germans still held on to their delusion of a supreme Third Reich. Yesterday, Germany. Today, the world. Same s**t, bigger pile. How does that fit with your own observations?

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      8. katharineotto

        Sha’Tara, I see the current wave of riots in the US and around the world as complementary to the police-state-government-over-the-people scenario you describe. People have been betrayed in too many ways and for too long to trust any authority too much. More power to them, say I. The “sheeple” are being forced to grow up and learn to think for themselves. I would like to think these riots are part of the cleansing and healing process. Call it “Dawning of the Age of Aquarius,” in which humankind or “Earthians,” learn true brotherly but detached and egalitarian love. According to the astrological construct of reality, we have about 2500 years to figure it out.


      9. Sha'Tara Post author

        Quote: ” According to the astrological construct of reality, we have about 2500 years to figure it out.” According to the Altarian construct of reality, Homo Sapiens now has less than 500 years left in which to learn detached and egalitarian brotherly love but likely will be extinct before that time arises. I don’t know how astrology works so I can’t comment on that, but I know how observations, reading of history and some actuarial legerdemain does work: we arrive at a best guess scenario. This civilization is done for due primarily to mental corruption and moral decadence. Rust and dust have entered the inner workings of the machine and since it can’t be taken apart and fixed because it can’t be stopped, then it must come under the law of entropy. Since the vast majority of today’s Earthians are strapped to their civilization, when it dies, they die. That simple. What comes next would be a great surprise if there were to be any H S survivors but there cannot be. For the new to arise, the old, that is, all of civilization and all that has been a part of it must be excised from the planet. No exceptions. Nothing man-made, or even man-written carries over. Perhaps what the astrological charts are describing is the bigger picture, the one that sees HS disappearing to be entirely replaced by a new species of true humans. Perhaps the astrological system can’t “see” this shift happening since there will be an overlap of species for a time?

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      10. katharineotto

        Interesting ideas, and I can’t speak for other astrologers, but I believe the concepts of time and space only apply to the reality we know here on the Earth. Astrology is predicated on a time-and-space reality. It doesn’t really predict.
        Although many astrologers would disagree with me. I believe an astrological chart only indicates energetic patterns, with specifics variable within those patterns.

        Probably neither of us will live to see 500 years from now, or 2500, so the question becomes one of what needs to be done in the Now to bring about change that will grow over time.

        Life defies entropy. While entropy predicts the trend toward decay of energy into increasingly unusable forms, life organizes and concentrates energy. We use “fossil fuels,” that were once living plants and animals that organized and stored energy, the opposite of entropy.

        Also I believe there is no death. Rather, it is like phase change, like water converting to steam. It’s still there, with the same basic characteristics, but its form has changed.


      11. Sha'Tara Post author

        Hi and thanks. Just to be clear, the entropy I speak of is entirely man-made and it will be the weapon that nature will use to destroy man and re-establish the balance of a natural system on this world. There’s a lot more to “that story” but I’ve written about it at length already, here and on other blogs. Man is the great big fat fly in the ointment… the herd of elephants in the room that other elephants can’t see.

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      12. Sha'Tara Post author

        One more point on the future. I also believe that the future is nothing but infinite possibilities. However we can narrow that down a bit by our own awareness. For example, based on observations I have a picture of the most likely scenario for the future of Earthians. It’s not rocket science as history repeats itself so regularly the future becomes rather obvious though the timing of coming events cannot be thus determined. If there is man-made climate change, for example, and we proceed “business as usual” the end could happen quite soon. If however enough people/governments/businesses take it seriously and they make changes to mitigate the damage, the “end” due to climate change will drag out – though it will not be reversed, it’s too late for that and beside as I sense it, it isn’t all man-made. There are changes happening and coming over which man has no control. The collective is trapped in its collective beliefs, however individuals can have a lot of control over their own future, to the degree that they learn to detach from the collective and walk their own path in self empowerment.

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      13. katharineotto

        Agreed the collective is trapped in its own collective beliefs, but there are many different belief systems. It’s up to individuals to chart their paths through the forest of difffering beliefs. There is a give-and-take between the individual and the environment, both human and non-human, including climate, and I agree self-empowerment can help the individual make wise choices as to which path or paths to follow.


      14. Sha'Tara Post author

        From personal experience, what I emphasize when discussing the future is that it is individuals who “force” the collective to change. For that reason I “push” for people to consider self empowerment in everything they think and do. That means no following of any path since they have all failed, but creating one’s own path, completely ignoring the maze of “paths” that lead but to dead ends. It is safe to assume at the start that the one path that leads to an open end (true freedom and real change) has yet to be created. I am a proponent of the power of the individual. Collectives are the number one enemy of the individual as history has recorded. People who form or join collectives are not self empowered, no matter the sacrifices they might make to establish or defend their power base. The idea is not to cause or make “a great change now” but to be the change one wants to see.

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      15. katharineotto

        That is generally my philosophy too, but a person must still live within the context of the larger society so is affected by it. Self-empowerment must include a hefty dose of “live and let live,” meaning the self-empowered individual embraces that power through adaptability to social rules and expectations.

        I would contend no one can really follow another person’s path, nor would they want to. My version of self-empowerment means charting my own course while encouraging others to set theirs. It helps to pay attention to cues along the way and recognize the benefits of modifications when the cues suggest changes are needed.


      16. Sha'Tara Post author

        Totally agree with your comment, Katharine… I could have written it except it wouldn’t have been as well put and lucid. Thanks!!!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Notes To Ponder

    This pandemic was inevitable regardless of political or economic posturing. Humanity considers itself vastly superior to mere technicalities such as sudden inexplicable global contamination capable of decimating our way of life. Everyone needs to settle down and face reality.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      I think that first and foremost, one needs to define “reality” for herself. Everyone has an opinion, a belief, an observation as to what “reality” consists of. Personally I “know” two things about reality: one, everything is real; two, nothing is real if any “thing/thought” is excluded from it. In my world there is no such thing as fiction, it’s all real. It can be a real lie, or a real hoax but it is always real.


  3. sherazade

    Concordo soprattutto su un passaggio :
    “Cos’altro? Mi sono trovato faccia a faccia con la peggiore corruzione di tutte: la politicizzazione di quella che presumibilmente era una grave situazione medica”!
    L’Italia era in recessione prima del covid 19 ora sarà letteralmente asfaltata senza possibilità di ripresa per la parte più debole del Paese! Pil a oltre il -10% !
    Ciao Sha ‘Tara buona giornata

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  4. franklparker

    Tell me, please, how anyone actually benefits from this ‘scam’ or ‘conspiracy’? BTW, no-one is saying climate change doesn’t matter any more – au contraire, they are saying ‘look at the difference a couple of months of dramatically reduced economic activity has made to the atmosphere.’ In other words, plundering the planet the way were IS bad for us. But I don’t think you believe that some bunch of tree huggers set the virus loose to prove their ploint.


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Hello Frank. I’ve already stated some of the ways the elites can/do/will benefit from this pandemic scam/hoax. This is predatory capitalism at the tail end of its life doing whatever it must to try to beat the odds called entropy, and survive to gobble even more energy from people and planet. Big corporations will swallow up the dregs from destroyed small businesses. Banks will repossess properties the unemployed can’t pay mortgages on. But there are much bigger fish to fry here: control. Totalitarian control which the 50% brain dead elected and appointed mean-hearted bureaucrats can use to abuse people and violate human rights with impunity. We’re already seeing this in spades. Check this out, as only one example:
      #COVID19Malaysia: UN Agencies Urge Halts Against Raids On Migrants
      The information is all out there, Frank, for anyone who wants to really know what’s going on beyond his back yard.
      As for my comment on climate change, what has the belief that a few weeks of “lockdown” has created massive reprieve to air and water quality? Psychologically it means that people will be even more polarized on the issue, with the “tree huggers” insisting the lockdown continues to save the planet, and the majority of working poor desperate to find a job and get some cash in their pocket to feed their families and keep a roof over their heads – and damned climate change to hell. Already the real economy, the one that feeds people, is in shambles. Do we want more? Do we want the marginalized poor to be the usual sacrificial victims caught between the elitist capitalist sharks seeking bigger winfalls of profits and the “greens” who only care about their agenda of environmental “purity”?
      Look Frank, I’m not stupid. I haven’t been living on the edge of the System just for the fun of it. I am an environmentalist, that’s undeniable. I am also a humanist. I live between the proverbial rock and hard place. I KNOW things which are frightening. I know that this man civilization is fast reaching its point of maximum entropy and is going to implode on itself, no matter how much savvy and technology or other “ology” or “isms” are thrown into the gas tank. Eventually the fuel won’t burn; won’t even ignite. Then BILLIONS of Earthians will die with their civilization. As the cities die so will the people. Wars, plagues, famines and genocides will decimate those who thought they’d escape the worst of it. But we’re not there yet and I’m not a proponent of depopulation. I don’t want to be seen as acquiescing to such an obvious and murderous hoax as this COVID-19 pandemic that is doing so much harm to the poor and least able to defend themselves. If you want to believe in your corrupt leadership, be they political, medical, financial, military, scientific, or religious, that is your prerogative. It is my prerogative to not participate in their corrupt ordinances and it is my right, as a human being, to express my whole-hearted disapproval which can, at times, slip into anger, hate and rage. In my world there is such a thing as “righteous” indignation. My indicator needle is in the red at the moment (not against you, Frank, but against the Matrix, the System, the Establishment, the murderous machine).


  5. DB

    Excellent! Everything you summarized here, is how I see it, as well. Not that I know, but that my intuition, based on seventy years of living in this rats’ nest, suggests this is what is going on. Intuition, like common sense, of course, is a no no, not ‘scientific’ enough.

    This is what I have kept yelling for the last three months: “Don’t tell me, show me.” And they can’t show me, which tells me they are lying, they are up to no good!

    Great posting!


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      I was going to comment and then…??? I appreciate your reply. Nice to get to know other “crazies” who can think for themselves and not feel they have to bray in unison with the group-thinking, brainwashed, programmed and eventually brain dead believers and followers.

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  6. Hyperion

    May I quote: “Song of the Zombies.” That was a great song by the Cranberries. You know the lead singer died recently of mysterious circumstances after her song saw a resurgence. No doubt, the anti-zombie goon squad at work. While reading this, I saw the fallacy of our thought process. We didn’t take into consideration the great prophetic writing of Frank Herbert in his Dune series. “Twists within twists within twists.” You see, it’s all fake news. That’s the third twist. Next, it’s all fake government sleight of hand; that’s the second twist. The first and most important twist is fake science. Nothing has changed in Chilliwack because nothing has changed. However, you must be out on the Fake Generator-internet or the Lie enhancer TV in order to get so worked up about nothing except the lies. I think the lies are truly disturbing only because I was raised in that world killing generation created by the defeated western allies coming out of WWII and falling precipitously into the nuclear age. We were taught to be honest and upright citizens and not question the truth which was the lie. Everyone knows Russia won WWII. That is why America is so nasty and jealous of Russia. Then China conquered the known world without using one bomb. That really made the west cry. So all of this is just a way of confusing Russia and China into believing we’ve lost our minds and they can come in and save us from ourselves. It’s not working. Russia and China are actually too smart to fall for that trick so we up the ante. The west creates a virus pandemic and blames China in order to crush their world economy. It backfires and crushes the west. I think Canadians should be ashamed of themselves for falling for this trick and creating so much ruckus over it. Hell, Russia is only a few miles from Canada’s northern border. You guys are practically neighbors. That’s no way to treat a neighbor. I’m actually living the best life I’ve ever experienced, almost totally stress-free. How could this be such a bad thing when my life is wonderful. Of course, everyone will disagree with me because I lack the interest in bullying people into seeing it my way. Okay, honest thought here. Is it we want to believe the chaotic force of falsehood or has falsehood become the norm? Is the ruckus from just a few of us old folks that can’t buy into it just yet?


      1. Sha'Tara Post author

        Yes, and plots within plots within plots. But hey, those few of us trying to get to the bottom of these twists are the conspiracy nut cases, don’t you know? What makes me laugh (quietly, even silently) is that those so sure they are free of any such conspiracy thinking are living within the greatest and endless conspiracy ever! All of them ascribe in some way or other to one or all of the “teachings” of the great trinity of powers: the State, Religion and Finance, with “science” not being a legitimate power playing the whore with all of them. Each one of these powers can only exist by conspiracy through propaganda and endless outright lies and when their lies start to catch up to them they fabricate ever bigger ones to stay in the game.

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      1. Hyperion

        We all have our curtain call coming. Some get the hook sooner than later. I plan to tap dance right up to that moment when the python of life chokes me out and the director yells cut, That’s a wrap.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Sha'Tara Post author

        Using that imagery further, there is a place between writing a novel and getting it published: let’s call it the inter-tidal zone. Only the super tough survive there.

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      3. George F.

        Well, it’s either struggle or wind up on the shore with all the other flotsam and jetsam. By the way, your persistence in talking about the baby kinda “forced” me to finally deal with it in the latest post entitled ..”cognitive leap…” etc., and I’m getting very good feedback…so thanks for “keeping me honest…”


      4. Hyperion

        Time for a good scotch and a cigar, maybe watch an action adventure movie since we got no sports going on. You got this.

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      5. Hyperion

        Waaaa haaaa haaaa! I do need a tune up. My head elves are all plugged up with funky thoughts. Hope your weekend went well for you Sha’Tara.


      6. Sha'Tara Post author

        Hey yeah, good weekend. I worked… then I worked and then, I worked! But in between I went to dinner with a friend to a real restaurant and no one was wearing a disgusting face mask – absolutely no one. We had some great talks about… politics and the virus, of course, and the general idiocy of the world we’re very close to leaving and both in agreement that leaving was definitely something to look forward to. It’s good to spend time with people who operate on the same mental wavelength. Say “Hi” to Gaston and let him know I’ll be watching his moves!

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      7. Hyperion

        I know that is rewarding to spend time with a like mind. And no self induced bad breath polluting a mask and causing face and olfactory trauma. It seems the world has exploded over here. First we predicted the pandemic and then we predicted the violent overthrow of the swamp by anarchy and viola! We have them both. I’m really worried about our prediction of natural disaster as that might just tip the canoe. But hey, if you gotta exit, exit in style. No tip toeing gentle into the night.


      8. Sha'Tara Post author

        In this life particularly I used my activism as a means of getting deeper into the observation of the Homo Sapiens species. Early on I realized that neither religion, science nor philosophy was going to provide ‘THE’ answer to the existentialist question: Why? Over the years I saw that it would be nature, in the form of entropy, that was going to settle the question: wherefore thou didst not change your ways, therefor thou shalt become extinct!
        It’s all the fault of that viola! That instrument should be banned! (or did you mean “voila!) 😉

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      9. Hyperion

        Ha ha ha! Viola. I think I’ve been ASSed by Hans, or my fat fingers and smudgy glasses are no match for the fake keyboard on my iPad. Entropy, I can really get into that as the path we are on and the end we will meet. I do have to agree that philosophy is no longer relevant in our minds. Most colleges don’t offer philosophy courses or degrees anymore. Science is so awfully corrupted by the system and unreality tv on the History and Discovery Channel. Even National Geographic struggles with remaining objective. TV sensationalism has caused science to seek sensational discovery to get grant money and so no lie is too bold to justify funding. Technology is a horrendous failure. There is nothing reliable made anymore. And religion is just a habit we can’t seem to shake. It’s a way to justify conflict, which is at the core of our being and drives everything we do in our waking hours. My observations only. I need not convince anyone because convincing is counterproductive for me and the energy spent is never returned. Of course, you know I like to throw out counterpoints because I love spirited conversation from people who can state their case without hating the person on the other side. That is where real knowledge is shared. And, you come to understand a person and their convictions. The understand, for me, is something I cherish. I will miss you when you transition out of here, unless of course, I teleport to that great methane world out there first. 😉


      10. Sha'Tara Post author

        Quote: “I will miss you when you transition out of here, unless of course, I teleport to that great methane world out there first.
        This my world: Me Thane, who you, white man? OK I’m not quitting my day job to try out as stand up comedian – I actually do not like SUC’s but for rare individuals most of whom pretty much disappeared with Ed Sullivan. Of course that may be because I haven’t watched TV in 40 years… I’m not going to discuss your comment point by point – it stands well and firmly on its own; no need for ‘splanations. Thanks for that… again!

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      11. Hyperion

        Waaahaaa haaa! I read a report last week that one of our probs has found an earth twin. It’s a little bigger but has atmosphere, oceans, and a biosphere of organic matter. Another mission is being mounted to get much closer and orbit the planet for analysis. Manned flights aren’t possible with current capability but an effort to explore can be done in a few years. We may even last long enough to see it happen. For me, I revert to my science mind and not read into it and see doom and gloom, but my creative mind sees this as validation and confirmation of what we have known since we first began writing comedic statements about extraterrestrials on cave walls. So, I’ve changed my afterlife trajectory to go somewhere more paradise like. Who needs a frozen methane world ruled by the god Thane. I don’t watch TV or streaming videos either. I do Youtube for fun at times. If I have a strong desire to be lied to or mislead, I just listen to my own inner voice. I don’t need geopolitical nonsense from outside sources when I can do that myself. Be joyful in your day job, Sha’Tara. Working with your hands with nature is a noble effort. Perhaps our compassion should be focused on the flora and fauna. They always listen and thrive from a compassionate hand.


      12. Sha'Tara Post author

        Quote: ” I’ve changed my afterlife trajectory to go somewhere more paradise like.”
        I think you should draw a map and sell copies. You could be a millionaire in no time.


      13. Hyperion

        Not to leave you totally alone in this race to perfect prose, I have posted a new story and it is quite different from all the rest. Adult humor for 8 year olds. That’s the best I can do, but I’ll keep trying.

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      14. Sha'Tara Post author

        Based on the general reception to my many “performances” in this life, I’m definitely not banking on getting a curtain call! Nevertheless I still intend to get together with a few fellow actors after the play, if only to commiserate!

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    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Quote: “I think Canadians should be ashamed of themselves for falling for this trick and creating so much ruckus over it.” What are “Canadians” Daniel? A while back I mentioned the slogan at the Peace Arch border crossing that says, “Children of a Common Mother.” Apart from the aboriginal peoples here, there is no such thing as a Canadian. You could have “Americanadians” or “Canamericans” which would tie the two “Wipepo” supremacist countries properly together. There are as many Trump supporters in Canada, percentage-wise, as in the States. If America was Germany and Canada was Austria and this was 1938, you wouldn’t even need an “Anschluss” – the annexation would simply “be” and that’s that. So don’t expect any miracles from this side of the 49th. The same “50% brain power” (credit for that goes to DB, and thanks!) rules both sides.
      That’s funny about the Song of the Zombies… I didn’t know such a thing existed!!! In my depiction however, it’s not a protest song.
      Quote: “Nothing has changed in Chilliwack because nothing has changed.” Indeed, and that’s the point. The same forces of destruction are riding the same apocalyptic horses. However, my dear friend, that doesn’t mean I can’t stand on my personal soap box and exercise my “protest” vocabulary and in the process give others a chance to exercise theirs on a blog they can feel they’ll be treated fairly, not unnecessarily harshly in the disagreements!

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      1. Hyperion

        I really like the idea of Canamericans, Sha’Tara. You know I was being silly with my comment but I seriously didn’t know there were so many Great Orange Orifice (GOO) worshippers in Canada. Now that truly is a shame. We need to banish all Trumpulations from the planet and get somebody with real leadership ability to pull us all together. With proper social distancing, of course. I honestly don’t know that such a person exists. I do believe we are sitting across an imaginary border from one another ripe and ready for a mishmash of part fall of the Ottoman Empire, Return of the Holy Land to the rightful owners with the last Crusader kicked of the island, Anschluss, Sturm Gefahr, French Revolution, and a dash of Fall of the Roman Empire. Chaos, in other words, another Dark Age. We all know it and certainly you warn of it regularly. It seems to me we are Hell bent on ruination and gleeful about it. I have stood on the land the Pale Horse has crossed and it will cause one to regret the curse of sight, sound, taste, and smell. Most of all, it will shatter forever the misconception that life is precious and should be preserved. I say let nature take its course knowing that nature is both magnificent and merciless.


  7. Phil Huston

    The economic collapse points directly to the disparity between the haves and have nots. The have nots in service economy business have a 30-day life span, if that, without the population flinging their 30 day supply of disposable income at them to feel like they belong to something. Feel like they’re free. Can’t have the sheeple in open revolt over something that might kill them, reopen the bars! Start your cars!
    Crazy crazy shit. Like 30 days of internet work-time is going to clean up that island of plastic the size of Mexico off the coast of South America…
    As long as I can get nachos and beer with other empty-headed like-minded individuals, pay exorbitant prices to pack a stadium to watch thugs play kids’ games I am free…what a world

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  8. colettebytes

    These COVID times are distractive games from a more serious agenda…

    There is a compassionate movement in the world. Veganism, kindness, connection to a living planet, were all on the increase on the planet. Dangerous stuff if you are a controlling overlord! Humanity was waking to its spiritual status as citizens of aa vast and connected universe. We were approaching ideas of free energy and cooperation. The powers that be cannot enslave an enlightened society. They have invented this pandemic (as they always do with pandemics), to separate us, to break the interconnection and to distract us while they find an even greater Magic show. Expect a Space war very soon. The next supposed threat will be from beyond the earth. Another sham show from a crumbling elite.


    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Just observing the goings’ on is bad enough, but having the blessing/curse to feel the planet’s plunging dark energies that are dragging billions down into a vortex whose bottom is the end of civilization and all that entails… is enough to make one quote Thomas Paine: “These are the times that try men’s souls.” Well, Okay, so these guys didn’t know that women existed and believed that slaves weren’t “human” – not much has changed in two and a half hundred years – but the words fit the day. A lynching of a black man in broad daylight by the police gets a reluctant 3rd degree murder rap for the perp; the experts on the “virus” are more confused and confusing than ever, debating whether to side with Gates and take his millions or face the music and declare the pandemic a hoax. Oh they’ll never go that far and they’ll do their best to salvage what they can of the manufactured fear: after all, there’s an economic collapse to hide and C-19 is the manufactured/dedicated scapegoat for that. Swarms of locusts in India. Oh, and let’s not forget climate change: that’s still happening, is it not, even if a few weeks of “lockdown” are supposed to have miraculously cleared the planet’s air and water of pollutants? Amazing! Apart from whatever agenda or agendas were to be implemented through the pandemic, what I find most “disquieting” is the planet’s energy especially in the last two months. You can’t see it but those who are open to “emotional” energy fields should be receiving powerful waves of negative effects of the growing darkness day by day especially just before bed time and at wake up. How many billion out-of-control minds dovetailed into an unraveling Matrix are pushing their chaotic fear across the spectrum of Earth? These billions are interconnected to civilization’s grid and they are tearing it apart! Doesn’t matter that they are unaware, for the most part, that they are contributing to the destruction of their world – if anything that makes it worse because there is no motivation to do anything about any of it. How do you take action if you are blissfully unaware of the storm you’ve just sailed into with sails fully unfurled? They wait for the talking heads to tell them what to think and when that fails and they see business as usual, they’ll panic some more and perhaps let themselves be herded into idiotic “demonstrations” of arson and looting thus justifying the official violence done against them. The cosmic cat has gotten hold of the planetary ball of twine and is unraveling it. For fun? Or necessity?

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  9. katharineotto

    Grow food. I’m doing my individual part to feed the wildlife and me, although I still rely heavily on the grocery store. It interests me the control freaks throughout history have taken control of the food supply. Julius Caesar did it, to starve the enemy into submission. Then he took his bounty in slaves.

    Now we are seeing mergers of the world’s major seed suppliers. GMO crops (which are basically sterile) are infiltrating markets worldwide, often getting their “feet in the door” through free or reduced-cost samples. Monsanto has been purchased by Bayer, which was I.G. Farben before WWII. Dow and Dupont are merging. These have been heavily into GMO foods and agricultural chemicals, including pesticides and herbicides. Agent Orange was a Monsanto product.

    Is the climate changing, or are we poisoning ourselves out of existence with excess, waste, and plastic (which is a petroleum–fossil fuel–product)?

    Plants have mastered the art of photosynthesis, a talent we so-called intelligent humans have not begun to understand. All life on earth is essentially plant-based.. In their ability to organize energy, plants defy entropy, The photosynthesis cycle really does freshen the air, as the process actually breaks down water into its component atoms,then uses the carbon from atmospheric CO2 to produce and store sugars.

    Under this scenario, of plants having an earth-cooling effect, even what we call a “weed” is just a misplaced plant.


  10. Sha'Tara Post author

    Plants belong to this world, Earthians do not. That’s the whole problem in a small nutshell. No matter what well-meaning Earthians try to do, short of returning completely to nature with nary an item of technology at their disposal, they will be only spinning their wheels. I just read an article that a new storage battery has been invented in Canada if you please, that is zinc based, has no termination date, stores 5 times what a lithium ion battery does, is non-explosive and etc…. Give it a bit of time, if it is allowed to be implemented in cars and electrical grids and “something” will arise to make it another technological disaster. That’s the history of civilization. Growing food is a great idea for an individual who has the time and energy at the moment, but what is needed, what must happen and will happen if man does nothing to change is the total collapse of all of civilization, down to nothing working. Like in the sci-fi novel in which people woke up one morning and nothing that required electricity in some form or other, or non-natural combustion, worked. No power, no weapons. Back to growing food by hand, cooking on outdoor fires and hunting with spears, slings, bows and arrows. Billions died of course and the rest found new ways to form power groups and fight wars a la middle ages style, using steel weaponry they found and capturing horses that had gone wild… and the wheel turned because the IDEA of civilization did not die, it gave itself an old but never forgotten face. The problem, as nature already well knows and is working on eliminating, is the Earthian race. (Note: I do not use the term “human” to refer to homo sapiens because they are not human. A human is a humane being. It is empathetic. It does not kill – for any reason. Nor does it exploit and oppress under any circumstances. A human has a built-in reverence for all life. Also, of lesser consideration but equally valid, the people live on Earth. That alone makes them Earthians. If they lived on Venus, Venusians. If on Mars, Martians and so forth. So… what’s with the negative reaction I get to calling people of Earth, Earthians? Is it because it implies openly that the creatures are sharing universal space with other intelligent, sentient, self aware beings and that presents a real and present danger to Earthianity’s self professed belief in some divine mandate of total domination of nature on a universal level?



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