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Revelation, Admission, Confession

[words from   ~burning woman~  by Sha’Tara]

Revelation, Admission, Confession

[words from ~burning woman~ by Sha’Tara]

I’ve been putting this off for a long time but some comments on one of my blog posts prompted me to write this. I don’t like thinking about how this will be taken by those who read it, but that’s the name of the game.

Long ago, so long now I can’t remember the time, I began to seriously question myself, particularly my thought patterns and the endless conflicts engendered among acquaintances, fellow workers and family. I think the consensus was, “S/He’s nuts, simple.”

Was I nuts? Am I nuts? Well, you be the judge, it won’t change a thing, I know that from long experience. When I make a serious change within it’s not because of something I’ve read, or that somebody said – those always revert back to square one – it’s because of something inherent to my personality, an inward prompting or guidance that my mind follows.

That said, every piece needs an intro. The comments had to do with questions on my claim that Earthians are programmed entities who do not act from free will. It’s not difficult, or so I used to think, for anyone to reason how people are programmed. How could they endlessly return to their wallowing in the mud of degradation, corruption, hubris, gratuitous violence, loves that turn to hate, life-long commitments that end in bitter divorce, beliefs that gain them nothing but false hope and losses, emotional instability; their inability to reason out a future already solidly on record in their historical past. If you want to know what the future has in store just look to the past, it’s that simple.

Collectively people are on a treadmill, a squirrel cage they power from their own energy, inheriting little but weakness, fear, poverty, dis-empowerment, disenfranchisement, sickness and death for all their efforts. What do the greatest efforts expended by Earthians gain them, given time? Invariably to return them to their starting point or lower. How many are familiar with the game “Snakes and Ladders”?

Take organized religion with billions of faithful adherents. In between beginning and end of their term they demonstrate every evil which the entity credited for the start of the religion spent a life time preaching against. Two most glaring examples: Christianity and Islam, by far the most degenerate and violent religions on the planet today, though there are cases where Buddhism, (oh yes!) isn’t far behind. Christianity may have taken a bit of a beating and have less power of oppression than it had a couple or more hundred years ago but give it back the reins of political power and watch the results: immediate persecution of LGBTQ individuals, of women in general and certainly of every non-conforming minority. Likely a return to physical, certainly to sexual, slavery.

Man has “invented” great financial institutions, now linked globally and in positions to determine who lives, who dies with a couple of strokes on a keyboard. Who controls those? No one, they don’t even control themselves and the men who ostensibly run them have no idea what they are doing to people and the earth as a result of their unjust, greedily iniquitous policies that only serve to further inflate the hoarding of the rich.

What about politics, anything better there? Anyone can look around and realize that no, the advent of pseudo-democracies have been as effective as religion to create permanent and increasing betterment for the rank and file individuals. What pitiful gains were made are all being turned back, particularly among labour and non-white minorities in the USA.

How do people respond to all this? They accept, for the most part. Some rant and complain. A tiny minority physically demonstrates against the way the game is played. The most interesting part has to do with those, always in the majority, who defend this status quo, who adulate leaders who are gross, detestable, creepy, ignorant, selfish, lying, heartless greedy pigs. I’m sure we can all think of one, or two, or three, maybe four or more such at the moment. They lead nations and empires when they should be relegated to the bottom of the human scrap heap.

This brings me to my revelation. Allow me to take you outside the permissible thinking under the programming: to the desert where ancient things are hidden under the ever shifting sands, where such things neither rust nor erode, where they do not change; into the Matrix, that which all should naturally (key word!) know about; into a hidden world of real Earth history, not the one written under the influence of maya, or collective illusion.

What I do know. Man is not a benevolently created, nor naturally evolved species. Man was invented in various stages by “alien” entities who had a need for such a creature. The first which I am aware of eventually mutated into those called Neanderthals. Very intelligent, quite well adapted to their world and for the most part having little use for violence as they had no personal possessions, who wandered about at will, and made do with whatever they found. They had no technology apart from sticks, bone and stone implements, mostly for collecting and manipulating the foods they needed. Earth provided their food and shelter and that sufficed.

That (possibly blissful) time ended when Homo Sapiens (HS) came on the scene and proceeded to decimate all Neanderthals wherever it found them. What was this HS? It was an entirely new species of intelligent, sentient and self-aware people whose modus operandi was predation, conquest and claim of space and “stuff” for themselves even if it meant killing all competitors to gain and keep these things. These violent creatures were the result of gene tampering by an alien race known to the ancients as the Anunnaki (A’s) who landed on earth some half a million years ago, choosing it as a place to exploit. Being small in number they needed reliable slaves to labour for them so they “invented” HS, from Neanderthal and their own DNA to get a creature that could comfortably exist on Earth yet possess the greed and lust for conquest that was the hallmark of the warring and misogynist Anunnaki. They cloned this unnatural, hostile, hateful, violent creature, then gave it cloned females to serve them as their own slaves. This is HS. This is mankind, a GMO species. This is the real story. Disliking it, denying it or rejecting it changes nothing. The results speak for themselves, no need to defend it.

As their slave population expanded despite massive losses through culling events, natural cataclysms, disease and war (including nuclear wars, some which were fought in the Sinai and the Indus valley) the A’s found they could no longer cope and developed a new species of slaves, physically distinguishable from the rest by a higher stature and equipped with a programming that would automatically cause the lesser ones (the lesser slaves, the sheeple, the herd, the peons, the masses) to fear them, to obey them without question and to worship them. These programmed rulers known as elites, the nobility, the blue bloods, the Illuminati, were genetically endowed with what has been known as the “divine right of kings” for to them the A’s gave full authority over the lesser slaves, including the power of life and death. Note that this “divine right of kings” programming was never given to any HS female. A woman could ascend into the nobility by being born of a king (ruling slave) and keep that status by sufferance of her male consort. She could on occasion hold the position of “king” (queen is an embellishment, there were no such at the time) but only in an interregnum. Later “changes” made to this rule came from mutation, some females able to remain in power as “kings” over the masses but these were rare and as history amply demonstrates, these ruling females had to have “balls” – translate that as being ready to apply patriarchal power against their enemies without qualms of compassion or humaneness. These females were rare and their power always tenuous, easily abolished by murder or execution given the proper pretext. Even today in man’s pseudo democracies a woman can only hold temporary power while some male “heir” is groomed to take her place. A power-wielding woman remains but a place holder in the Patriarchy.

Over the millennia, no matter how much control was applied to the brain by the programming, some of these “rulers” or blue bloods became degenerates, or some developed empathy and sensed the horrible conditions of life experienced by their slaves. They left the inbreeding safety of the elites’ inner sanctum to mingle among the masses. The degenerates went to rape and pillage, became pirates and traders. The empathetic ones who fell in love with slave women and had children by them initiated a mutant mix of bastard blue blood children, some of whom inherited the full effect of the “leadership” or “divine right of kings” programming. These often became rebel leaders among some groups of slaves, starting new religions, new political systems, implementing some economic and social reforms but most importantly carving out nations and empires for themselves and their followers. This was the actual beginning of HS’s first great civilizations. Most of that was marked by endless wars of conquest for resource exploitation and always, for slaves and for women as war booty.

There are many more “blue blood” descendants in the world than is suspected, the real number never to be known because they are masters at hiding from each other and from those who would destroy them. Since the slave population now numbers close to eight billions, the number of slave rulers by genetics, by blood, by programming, is certainly above the one hundred million mark! The endless “hunt” for bastard “escapees” from the closed confines of the established nobility is a matter of historical record. Attempts to regain their full position among the elites by these bastards is also of historical record. More of the real story.

Now my personal admission. However distorted, however fake, man’s history carries many examples of individuals who had or have what is called charismatic properties. People are attracted to these individuals whether they be exemplary in wisdom and compassion or the exact opposite. It’s not so much what the individual says, or does, that attracts people but what that individual is, or exudes. People sense the “ruler” programming and their own programming is attracted to it, desires it, needs it. Slave masses are programmed against seeking to rule themselves, to think logically and to rebel against divinely instituted leaders. Those who apparently break free are not free, they are like bees in a beehive with two queens. One has to go and she will have a number of “followers” to establish a new hive. A slave can only go from one leader to another, forever anchoring the duopoly. A slave cannot go it alone. Those who manage to set up a new or counter power group can only be of those bastards I mentioned. They must possess some, or all of the leadership programming in order to rule. Those who do not have it cannot attract the necessary following nor overcome the henchmen they must surround themselves with when they decide it’s time for a new leader.

So how do we know who we are in the scheme of things? Can anyone be an inheritor of the leadership gene, the special programming? Yes, anyone could be but it would be impossible for such a one not to know it. It’s a question of knowing, then of acting upon that knowledge. A programmed “leader” cannot help but be a leader in some way, in some capacity. He could choose not to exercise the power offered from birth but something else will take its place. Since a genetic leader is still programmed to be a slave of the gods, whomever or wherever they are matters not, I’m now talking strictly of programming, therefore the genetic leader can choose to be a servant of the masses instead of a ruler over. It’s just a question of how, of what path of service to forge for himself and to follow through on.

My admission is rather simple and obvious: I know this “stuff” because I’ve always been one of ‘them’ and whether I like it or not at this stage I don’t think I care. It’s been an interesting time, this life. I used to wonder why I could interact with entities not of this world in a totally normal sort of way, not being psychic or having such esoteric “powers” and I could always tell when others who claimed similar “powers” were lying, both to themselves and to others. If you’re of that particular blood line, I would know, or I would have some simple tests to settle the question. One cannot simply claim to be of those programmed blue bloods, they have to have “something” that definitely sets them apart from the rank and file.

The very first “test” is naturally a question of felt need for a leader, or ruler. That need is endemic to the slave mentality of the programmed “herd” member, never of the true blue blood. To a blue blood the only entity higher than itself is a divinity. When a “god” or “ruler” fails to satisfy, or becomes too oppressive the slaves may revolt but never on their own. A member of the genetically programmed ruler blood line has to appear and stand for the masses. When he shows up, they follow, whether they actually know anything about him or not.

Again, a position of ruler is based on inheritance and programming. The “divine right of kings” programming attracts the drone programming, no need for any free will. Revolutions fought under the leadership of a legitimate blue blood are usually successful, celebrated with much fanfare but before you know it, the tables are turned upon the peons once again and they slip down to the very bottom from which they bloodily fought their way out. The leader dies, or the leader becomes corrupt and the masses give up until a new leader shows up and a new generation is ready and willing to go to war once again… and again… and again, for always, without fail, every move to bring the masses on par with the elites must and will fail. That is the most important part of the programming: built in genetic obsolescence through mental dis-empowerment.

Confession: how can I, Sha’Tara, ~burning woman~ have been born a bastard blue blood? In my case, a trick of fate. I am, as most know, a transgendered individual. I am a woman of mind and desire, but I have a male body. The programming doesn’t care what the mind thinks, or does, it applies to the physical (brain) part of the person. I can therefore be equipped with blue blood genes. With those genes I was able to connect with a power world hidden from the rank and file. I’m not saying that is a good thing, I’m not saying that is a bad thing, it just is. I was also able to call ‘the Teachers’ to myself when I needed them most, when I finally chose to turn away from two offers difficult to reject: religious and political power, both of which also offered the power of money. As I had hoped when I turned down these offers I lost my power of charismatic attraction. Not once after that was I ever accused of attempting to start a new religion or new political movement. Not once after that did I ever lack the money to do that which I chose to do either.

I didn’t want any sort of power that was historically guaranteed to fail. All the power held by my kind over the millennia benefited only that individual, or a small clique of like-minded rulers, most of whom had been, and continue to be, users, exploiters, oppressors and generally heartless murderers until they too died. I lived on a sick world that had the means to prevent the death of millions, particularly of little children and their mothers but the lion’s share of resources was used to uphold the patriarchy, to profit the already filthy rich and to create weaponry with which to make war, war that could only expand into global conflict, as indeed it is doing. I knew I could not prevent any of that, it’s not how the game is played and even the victims of this horror would turn against me if I meddled with their programming. Again, Earth history. What happens to the charismatic way showers who turn thousands against the status quo? They are killed and their followers who cannot exist without rulers, run about until they latch on to a different ruler and the game starts all over.

Conclusion. With the help and guidance of my Altarian Teachers I learned how to turn this genetic gift of “divine right” into a different sort of leadership: a self-sacrificing life of service. I chose to live and demonstrate the power of compassion by becoming an avatar of compassion. This was a “forever” choice from which I would never deviate. Combining my genetic make up with empathy I was/am able to see reality from behind the programming curtain. I can sense what is actually going on without having to guess by eliminating the blizzard of inconsequential details, always seeing where the elephant in the room is standing. Ask me if the sun is going to shine here in a week, I have no idea. But ask me what happens to mankind in some 3-400 years and that, I can tell you. In terms of making choices, which is most important?

Knowing: a wonderful and terrible place to occupy when attended by personal responsibility as a “ruler” must always have and be ready to demonstrate, even if it means martyrdom as long as it doesn’t ask for any compromise regarding my choice to be an avatar of compassion.

There you have it, tidbits and inklings of an aware and awake mind. I hope it was if not educational, at least entertaining.


Some Thoughts…

Quite often what one want to say had been said already, often in better ways. As an example, some quotes from some well known/not so well known, writers…

Monsters exist, but they are too few in number to be truly dangerous. More dangerous are the common men, the functionaries ready to believe and to act without asking questions. — Primo Levi, Holocaust survivor

Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. – George Orwell

Truth in the hand of one person is still the truth. [unknown]

Quote from Ronin (movie): Well, either you’re part of the solution, or you’re part of the problem, either that or you’re just part of the landscape.

What automatically creates fear?  Any belief in limitation, inadequacies and shortages. (Unknown)

Truth is merely opinions with strong survival instincts (Unknown)

The wonder of science is how vast a return of speculation you get from such a trifling investment of fact (Mark Twain)

Where religion brought hate and called it the search for divine love, science brings death and calls it the quest for eternal life. (Mark Braunstein)

“If you do not specify and confront real issues, what you say will surely obscure them. If you do not alarm anyone morally, you yourself remain morally asleep. If you do not embody controversy, what you say will be an acceptance of the drift of the coming human hell.” – C. WRIGHT MILLS (1916-1962) American sociologist

Governments in capitalist society are but committees of the rich to manage the affairs of the capitalist class (James Connolly)

If they give you ruled paper, write the other way. – Juan Ramón Jiménez

The phrase “conspiracy theory” is usually exploited as a way to dismiss facts and evidence without consideration on the basis that the official story is the only story that has any validity. In other words, the official story requires no justification because the authorities are infallible and always have our best interests at heart. (Brandon Smith)

“He who dares not offend cannot be honest.” ― Thomas Paine

The history of our race, and each individual’s experience, are sown thick with evidence that a truth is not hard to kill and that a lie told well is immortal. (Mark Twain)     “After all, the lies did serve to keep something from somebody, and that somebody was us.” ― Jerome Doolittle

There you have it, a few bits of wisdom, particularly as it explains “man’s” propensity to continue to trust “his” bureaucracy at the expense of his own innate awareness. I just finished reading Larry Niven’s “Lucifer’s Hammer” and continue to be astounded at the power of the status quo. Here is a book describing from one author’s viewpoint what the world would look like after a cometary strike that destroys most of the world’s population, basically civilization. What do the survivors of cataclysm and wars do? They seek to reestablish their civilization. Why? Because hardly anyone prior to the disaster thought about what to do if given a second chance. Billions die in horrible circumstances and ultimately… NOTHING CHANGES.

more this ‘n that

Good morning WordPress. If I were to write what’s on my mind lately I’d be a river run wild. I’ll spare you as much of it on the surface resembles much of what is already standard fare on WP. What about what sits below the surface though?

A hodegpodge of thoughts? 1st: The classic and unanswerered question: who (or what) am I? Easy as difficult: I am me, no one and nothing else. Means I am what I, and no one/nothing else, thinks. What I think is all and everything that matters to me-nothing else. I am not what I have/am reading or otherwise absorbing from my surrounding, local or cosmic: there is no local or cosmic in my mind. I am not a physical body but a mind. The physical is the slave part of “me” that only matters in physical exchanges in a very short and meaningless life. Lots of people try to impose their views upon me: I use my physical machine to respond to such without letting my mind get tangled into the mess, and it is a mess.

What I really think no one but me will or can ever know. My physical handles the mess through endless sloughs of belief systems that change by day, week, or year and after each shift my grey matter is just as happy regardless. From a Buddha to a Jesus to Mein Kampf and a little Red Book or Animal Farm or the smooth yarking of some talking head or a preacher, I allow (free) my grey matter to play with or engage with and I remain unchanged.

Example: vaccines. An interesting aspect of a capitalistic (greedy) world to bring itself surely down to hell (end) to be eventually replaced by something else (usually) worse. I’ve mentioned in the past how I see this happening (the mind – me – can see into the future so no big trick.). I’ve been pro and anti-vax until I moved away from the playing field. Now I know the vax is a maga scam that speaks of money and control. By the same token my grey matter convinced itself that being vaxxed was better than not so as to put the sheeple it interacts with at peace – so that is vaxxed. But it means nothing at all. I think my grey matter self realizes this as it walks around knowing it was a placebo. Of course the trick is to believe/not believe in placebos.

Why then do I exist and why here particularly on this world? Now I delve into the strictly personal realm of real living, speaking not as an earthling or as I prefer to express it, as Earthian. I am a Human. A Human does not respond to earth beliefs, there are no thoughts as such in the earth sphere of expression, only beliefs and belief systems. As the prophet said, there is nothing new under the sun, and as any Human can see. Everything is related to something else, only expressed in different ways, using different symbols, all part of the earth pattern.

Whatever the Human thinks, ponders, wonders about or seeks (a big part of becoming Human) in no way implies any belief or any overt or covert method to try to convince anyone else of anything. For me that’s the cue. If in my mind there is the least desire to convince another, that’s where I’ve slipped into the earthian model of belief.

Enough for now, enjoy being you!


It’s been a while hasn’t it. My right hand continues to improve, enough now I can try typing again. I read/hear a lot of things about the current state of being and find it fascinating, really. The more I ponder, the furthest I seek to reach in our past and into our future, leaving the ‘middle’ with the endless question: who are we/what am I? Sticking with the singular: what is my purpose (apart from having none)? If I do have a purpose, is it singular or collective? I think that’s a very fair question in the midst of it all. If I choose ‘singular’ then I have an open slate. If I choose ‘collective’ then I have the task of choosing which collective(s) I want to be associated with, and must keep up the awareness that such a choice can only be temporary since change is the order of the day. I.e., my collective choice does not remove the problem of leading or adapting to on-going change.
Let’s go with ‘singular’ choice as regards purpose before I choose my purpose. That doesn’t mean I won’t be interacting with others (you) but it means that my chosen purpose will override my decisions and for good or ill it means that if the choices offered by whatever collective violate my own sense of purpose then I have the choice and must have the power to say a categorical ‘No’ and go my own way, no matter what that does to my reputation or well-being. So far OK?
What do i mean by “going my own way?” It means I’ve decided that I am an individual. That means I see myself as being fully alive, not just physically but morally and spiritually. That’s scary. For most, life consists of going through the motions: work, play,entertainment and sometimes joining others in demonstrations or revolutions when there seems to be no choice. But what about for a real individual? To answer that, one has to be certain about who one is, and that means knowing beyond any doubt what it means to be alive.
When I speak of life I mean that I speak of a state of being represented by inexhaustible possibilities. Nothing is ever “good enough” or “satisfactory.” If I find myself saying “it is what it is” — to end an argument or avoid one — it doesn’t mean that I believe that, I can’t. An individual always has an answer even if in most cases s/he cannot state it without getting into trouble with believers; with the status quo. We have enough historical evidence of unwise people who insisted on forcing their views on their persecutors and ended up on a scaffold or a cross. To what end?
The person who is truly alive does not need to convince anyone else, that being the beauty and curse of being an individual. The curse because I cannot defend myself against the mob (all collectives are essentially mobs) and the beauty showing me that I do not need to defend whatever it is…
I’ll close this by saying that I have a purpose: not to defend, not to prove this against that, but simply to go on opening those endless Pandora’s boxes of possibilities.

For a Laugh or?

“There was a guy in prison named Jackson,” said Shadow as he ate, “worked in the prison library. He told me that they changed the name from Kentucky Fried Chicken to KFC because they didn’t serve real chicken anymore. It’s become this genetically modified mutant thing,k like a giant centipede with no head, just segment after segment of legs and breasts and wings. It’s fed through nutrient tubes. This guy said the government wouldn’t let them use the word chicken.”

Mr. Ibis raised his eyebrows. “You think that’s true?”

“Nope. Now, my old cellmate, Low Key, he said they changed the name because the word ‘fried’ had become a bad word. Maybe they wanted people to think that the chicken cooked itself.”

(from American Gods – Neil Gaiman)