Sorrow and Joy

[a poem by  ~burning woman~ ]

What do you look at
When you lie awake in the night
Eyes wide open watching
Tumbling clouds hiding stars and moon?
What keeps you awake, so restless?

I see Sorrow
Walking bent over
Along graffiti’d walls in some city street:
She wears a worn black coat
Broken shoes without socks
And hunger is eating her.

Her eyesight is failing,
With gnarled hands she touches
Doorways and stoops
Seeking a home to hide in,
Perhaps just a place to rest.

But though she is many,
For her there is no place
And she must wander on
To the end of her strength,
To the end of her reason.

She is so far away,
Why should you care?
Why lose precious sleep
Over such a pathetic vision?
What is she to you?

She is everything to me,
My sister, my twin, my heart.
We were separated at birth,
Rejecting her, they called me Joy!
I must recall her from her darkness.

Though we were destined
To live ever separate and apart
I will no longer allow this curse
To rule my life and ruin hers.
I will to share her fate.







12 thoughts on “Sorrow and Joy

    1. Sha'Tara Post author

      Thank you for that comment, Regis. (Writing from my tablet – haven’ t figured out how to do accent or umlauts yet…)


  1. Phil Huston

    Two things – this is what you need to do more of. Let the pictures you paint speak. Next – as the empath, yes you want to absorb it, but limited by physics and understanding without darkness there is no light, without pain, no joy. Why that doesn’t make sense is beyond me. Maybe even neutrality requires understanding of what happens if the rails fall away



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